Contact Report October 5th 2022
(Shared from Facebook)
(Shared from Facebook)
I’m particularly interested in writing up this report as a means for further processing and assimilating as much of (or all) the potential consciousness-lessons presented as gifts in this year’s total overall experience.
My interest also spans the notion that “this years" Contact Experience included new potentials brought about by the addition of a long-time friend named Zeysan and his bizarre unexpected encounters (all from this year) with his new extraterrestrial family from the Pleiadian star system. They refer to themselves as Plejaren.
After many Zoom conversational sessions with Zeysan, he presented to the Captain of this Plejaren group (approx. two months before the scheduled workshop) a special request (from Lyssa and myself) of potentially giving us an unmistakable fly-by.
My story begins on Saturday September 25th, 2022, after finishing the hosting of the Quantum Navigation Group 2 class around 11:00 pm that night, as I thought since up to that point I have not heard any updates from Zeysan on the request for a fly-by for the Contact workshop, I told myself I would write to him in the morning.
It normally takes time for me to wind down from the QN classes, so at 12:09 am I checked my iPhone messages and was surprised to find that Zeysan must have intuited my query as he wrote this:
Sep 25, 2022, 12:09 AM
I have a response from Mother about your upcoming event. I do not know if i should share it. It is kinda life altering.
after debating it for awhile I decided to leave it up to both of you. I faced this choice back in April and accepted it. I do not regret it.
Lyssa knows her bloodline and you are known by them mostly because of your work. I am probably making something out of nothing but for me it was so hard but I would accept it again and again. yet we are not all ready.
Maybe I am making a lot out of nothing but if you wish to hear her words tell me. Love you guys.
Ron’s Response:
Yup, I do! For better or for worse I'd love to hear it …and thank you and Mother. I’m up late as I just finished my QN class.
Zaysan informed me that he needed to give the message to us both "live" and while we were all together, so I opted for accomplishing this on Zoom on Sunday (the next morning) as Lyssa was asleep …to which he agreed.
When we met on Zoom, he informed us that he wrote Mother’s message (Mother seems to be the leader of the Plejaren group) because he wanted to insure he delivered the full message, and now he wanted to read it to us which we asked him to send us the written version afterwards as we wanted to share it with the group.
Here is the exact message (please pardon the grammar and misspellings).
Mothers request:
Mother: All that attend much fill themselves with an incredible amount of love. Not just try but be it.
Next they have to bare themselves fully of all they are. Really are. Weather it be negative or positive in their life. Release the emotion. No compromise.
Zaysan: The way I say it is naked. No need to set intent because it should be unconditional and should already be there.
If done, Mother will join those that know that kind of love. Your contact (team?) will assist if called upon. Time and space and all that crap.
Mother: Those that do this will have their own personal experience as they set coming into this life weather it was physical or spiritual. Their guides will know this. This aspect will be very personal and they will have to live with this the rest of this life.
Zaysan: My words here: They have to realize there is no going back from that point. Know yourself sort of thing.
Trust me this is no half way thing. There is no one to help them figure it out. Once you commit to love it will be the only path permitted by their higher self.
Acceptance (of this) alters the contract they made before coming here. Yet a positive one it can be a conflict to their physical Personal agenda.
For all of our true intent is love but some forget that.
They are giving all of you a gift, I would like to think that I had something to do with that but I am one just affected by their incredible love.
They, Mother, feels my love for both of you and felt you deserved more than a light show. Sorry, she took over my simple request.
Yes lights will be available for those who only need that. I hate the fact that I only asked for a light show.
This became more, its not my fault. Its Semjase fault. There I got it on record.
Lyssa you are in the bloodline so maybe it is your fault too. There I feel better. If it is not a profound experiential event then it is suggested that you and Ron have your own.
Starting on Our Way to the Oracle Site:
During the early morning of Thursday September 29th, I had one of those stunningly clear dreams of observing a sunny well-lit and immaculately kept green grass, trees and ponds which one could find in a well-manicured city park. So much peace and stillness prevailed that I assumed it was a portend for the upcoming workshop overall state, as some workshops are filled with so much chaos. Little did I know, that as Lyssa and I started on our way to Oracle, and before the workshop would begin, a series of external events and challenges would arise and easily qualify our experience as entering a "circus of the bizarre and insane."
I'm going to skip writing that section up as to avoid any repeats and to shorten this report. Instead I’m skipping ahead to Friday night’s contact.
Sept 30th 2022
Friday Night Contact Experience
... as soon as I started walking towards the Contact site to arrange the various preparations for the conducting of the Contact Ceremony, I suddenly had to turn around and return to my bathroom (immediately) because my bowels were ringing the priority alert.
This reminded me of both, Zaysan’s bodily reaction after his first encounters onboard ship with the Plejaren’s leaving him with over two weeks of diarrhea as well as Mothers recent message to our Contact group which was:
"All that attend much fill themselves with an incredible amount of love. Not just try but be it. Next they have to bare themselves fully of all they are. Really are. Weather it be negative or positive in their life. Release the emotion. No compromise."
This alone can be viewed as a form of shattering of our familiar comfort zones and coping mechanisms that keeps us secure in our preferential 3-D reality perspectives and our attachment to our history, identity and personality. The arising naked vulnerability can be paradigm shattering and leaving one processing and releasing in various spectrum's.
I found I had several episodes prior to our start up ceremonies, but I was returned to a normal status during the overnight and throughout the next day.
Back to the Contact Ceremony:
Shortly after the heart-entrainment musical session by the Lyons of Lyra (Debi and Rob), Lital Cohen followed with a masterful crystal bowl magic session which seemed to step up the heart and consciousness frequency towards that of quantum integration.
I began to journey soon after the heightened gong phase of the musical magic. My vision opened upon a moonlit night’s southern perspective of observing the Tibetan Himalayan Mountain peaks (from a distance and height) allowing full view of all the peaks and valleys.
I started seeing small golden angular (almost like living glitter flakes) similar to shinny golden geometry pieces. These I knew were matured old-souls and were all arising out from various levels of the valleys and mountains, organizing into a slow-motion construction of a long and slender Golden Dragon which seemed to be hovering above the eastern section of the Himalayan Mountains facing south.
As the final pieces of the dragon came into their resting places within the body of the dragon, the Golden Dragon animated as a unified singular-being which was composed all of those geometry fragments.
As it animated, it then began a slow traversing encircling the entire Himalayan Range. I was transfixed observing this dragon on its Himalayan trek.
Then the vision abruptly abated leaving me back in the observer state with a blank empty screen.
With my eyes closed I could hear, Sasha (channeled through Lyssa), lead us through a Pleiadean ceremony engaging Pleiadean priestesses in preparation of experiencing the healing of our wounded archetypal mother template.
I was deep in my internal meditative naked and vulnerable state …paying close attention and ultra sensitive towards sensing the incoming arising nuances of our group-energy-field approaching the heightening quantum fluidity energies.
On this night’s Contact group field, I noticed that the energies were profoundly and absolutely still, and yet within that stillness there was the experience of perfect fulfillment. It was like feeling …that there was nothing to do, nowhere to go and no one to become, …which is how our Daoist teachers taught about being centered.
I was enjoying this state and relishing the ceasing of the mind’s constant mental chatter giving greater clarity to the rise of pure receptive observation, yet having a blank screen and being totally merged with nothing happening.
It was about midway through the Contact experience when unexpectedly I experienced the reality curtain of this familiar 3-D paradigm lift so quickly and completely …that I noticed there was a part of me that felt nearly raped of my comfortable confidence and security in the 3-D (a quasi - "reality rape" of sorts) due to it happening so suddenly and seemingly without any of my consent or control.
I see why the training of accepting the “Circus of the Bizarre and Insane” is essential training towards practicing surrendering and accepting what arises …no matter how bizarre it presents itself.
With all my former senses now in a shattered state from gripping onto the 3-D (and while momentarily being internally detached to my familiar preferences) my full attention and sensory reception was resting upon and busy (examining and categorizing) the surrounding landscape beyond and alternative to this 3-D reality curtain.
As this was flooding my sensory processors …like a dam bursting and spilling its torrents busy filling the landscape, an additional shock of bizarreness arose approximately one foot in front of me.
Within that same rawness state of uncontrollable unpredictability …I found myself staring at the right-side face of a female physical being relative in size and height to my own physical dimensions.
But this was on the other side of the reality veil, and all my senses were flooded and overwhelmed with the “visceral stunning realness” of this encounter.
Adding to perplexing the senses even more, the eyebrows on this being were out-of-context to normal standards, as they extended about 2-3 times normal dimensions extending towards the ear beyond parameters.
Enraptured in processing the eyebrow, I next had to process the elongated almond shape and construct of the eye itself, which seemed to be a hybridization of Asian and Caucasian eye structures.
As I took in these new sensory data sensations, in that fleeting moment, I remember wondering to myself; “Is this Snake Lady?” Moments later I also wondered if perhaps this could be a Plejaren Priestess?
As soon as I got lost in questioning the reality I was so viscerally experiencing, it seemed to flip a consciousness-switch which then dropped me out of the act of merging and acceptance of the flow of this paradigm.
After being dropped out of the paradigm shift, I let all of that former experience go and detached with a bit of relief as I thought I discovered a measure of consciousness-control exposed as a subtle hint of how to turn it all off.
I returned to the meditative state of just enjoying the still active and powerful absolute stillness arising in the group field.
After a number of moments passed and after I seemed to relax deeper and loose all sensation of time, an additional unexpected experience arose, this one arose from the sensation and perspective of being in the observer state.
The vision opened up in the expanse of star filled space with a blue planet off to the left. The sensations arising within my being-ness was feeling like I was experiencing existing and sensing from all parts of everything (in my observational field) including the sensation of inclusivity with spectrums of reverence for all there is.
My focus centered (from observing from above perspective) and upon an unusual constructed long and immensely large, flat like rectangle ship. It seemed to have nearly invisible crystal clear framework, which boggled my mind.
How could such a thing be created?
This immensely large ship was stationed before me with the blue-ish planet off to its left.
This ship, observed from above, had well manicured grass and trees filling the majority of the center span of its entire length, yet had seemingly no glass canopy protecting it. I watched as several Shuttle-craft arrived and saw our group members exiting out and on to the well manicured park like area and began walking.
That ship and its construction fascinated me to no end!
That experience concluded my eventful night and I returned to the Contact group field’s profound stillness which was still so palpable.
After Sasha brought us all back and concluded the nights exercise, many of us stayed around for a bit enjoying the ET light show of which AL captured some on video and photo.
Later that evening I texted Zaysan as I thought to pose it to him if my meeting of the elongated eyebrow and elongated hybrid like Asian/Caucasian eyed female was Snake Lady or perhaps a Plejaren Priestess since there is no description of what any of the members of the Plejarens in his books.
So at 11:24 pm Friday night I texted this question to him.
"Does snake lady or the priestesses have elongated eyebrows and elongated almond eyes sorta like a cross between Asian and Caucasian?"
Saturday 5:57am
Zaysan: Yes snake lady
Wow, having this form of validation so quickly, kind of brought the stunning reality home for me personally and shattered any last doubts from my skeptical side. Visceral experiences of this quality and caliber cannot be unseen or un-experienced.
Still, I found cycling around in my consciousness was the wise realization from many years ago that when swimming with wild dolphin pods in the ocean, if you are needy or clingy towards their presence …they elude you. Yet when you remain centered and detached they swarm you and want to play and share.
So I fully detached from the experience and willingly resolved to re-inhabit organic ordinariness and innocence.
Saturday Night Contact Report
... as soon as I started walking towards the Contact site, I had to turn around repeating last night’s urgent episode alerting me to the potential proximity of the paradigm shift and my need to empty myself. After having normal solid bowel all day, this was starting to be a potential quantum signal for me.
As we started the ceremony it was the Sirian Ambassador Hamon who hosted the Contact and Ceremonies. The energies were substantially different from the previous night’s ceremony.
Tonight's energies and ceremony were intentionally set towards accessing the healing of the archetypal masculine template. The frequencies seemed to be like that of the most benevolent fluid radiance without any impending nor restricting authoritativeness. Just pure benevolence.
I was enjoying this version of un-restrictive masculinity supportive lightheartedness of all-life unconditionally, and yet there was no visions occurring, just a blank screen as my eyes were closed and I was engaging my internal focus.
Suddenly I felt a physical tap on the head …as if a fairly strong male used his fore finger to thunk my scalp.
I did not let that distract me away from my meditative state, I just mentally noted the physical sensation and went back to centered sensing.
After a few moments back in the nothingness state, it suddenly happened again (the mysterious thunking) as if it was pranking me ...which brought up familiar memories of shenanigans Zaysan would pull on me, so I wondered if somehow it was him …then let it all go just as fast.
My Contact experience occurred about midway through this night’s Contact ceremony as I experienced something similar to last night's experience of being about one foot away from the right side face of Snake Lady.
Now, last night I did not mention that my brain experienced three sudden shocks. Those shocks I think are worth mentioning as they seem to be a useful Contact self-observation.
1st shock) Occurred being slammed into an unfamiliar completely new reality perspective paradigm while simultaneously being engrossed in the act of probing, examining and cataloguing this alien landscape and density.
2nd shock) Occurred having a vividly real yet unfamiliar living being with its face unusually close in proximity, (from out of nowhere) now directly in front of me. My engagement senses were on overload pondering who are you and how do I know you?
3rd shock) Occurred as I was experiencing my brain squirm at attempting to cognize and categorize an unfamiliar new alien specie facial architecture.
I think this was the big test for my reality consciousness systems and its overload-stress-testing for seeking balance and acceptance in a heightened shifted paradigm.
In this case, I can see that it was wise to go slow and utilize a shortened length-of-experience while simultaneously engaged in a broader spectrum of sensory receptors needed for making the contact between species more viscerally tangible.
Yet, all the while keeping a tight grip on the circuit breakers so-to-speak in order to not have the condition of the Matrix movie character Neo, swallowing the blue pill and vomiting up at the first experience of being in the true-reality (as it really is seen) without blinders on the eyes or the emotions.
Stair-step incremental manner of contact at our own comfortable pace of quantum acceptance, potentially prevents overloading and triggering of the flight/flight syndrome.
In tonight’s experience, after having the entire day to process yesterday's experience, and about midway through the Contact protocol guided by Sirian ambassador Hamon, once again I was unexpectedly experiencing myself standing amongst the Plejaren family in all its vivid realness (and I've never met them before so there was no time to meet and greet in order to familiarize).
So in my estimation of successfully paradigm-shifting for only two milliseconds before my triple brain shock (mentioned earlier) kicked me out of the experience.
The wide spectrum sensory acceptance overload as I have been attempting to detail and describe had me at overload status and I nearly fell backwards out of my chair!
I have to give myself what kudos I can find to keep this from becoming another “If only I was more perfect self-abuse talk and false story.” In that successful 2 millisecond paradigm threshold transition, I did notice that the reality paradigm contained a broader spectrum of living unconditional-loving-energy. It enveloped my sensory receptors and had me experience the unforgettably profound level and matter-of-fact timeless universal acceptance interwoven within its viscus fabric.
I also recognized within that fabric was the emanation from each Plejaren and their their recognition of us and myself being family.
I think I’m slowly grok-ing it now.
The teleporter between our two realities seems to be consciousness driven. And the essential equation is:
That they are ready whenever we individually are, and seems to be based on how much one can accept, and how fast can one accept of this broader frequency spectrum range.
I left that paradigm with the unmistakable feeling as though my cup was filled to overflowing in that 2 millisecond exposure and also left feeling that there is no hurry, but take all the time you need to practice quantum self-acceptance as you're always welcome here!
I slept very deep that night still having that cup overflowing feeling. In the morning I felt the obvious emotional sensations of having been stripped of all my walls and boundaries. As if crossing that threshold into that paradigm of total unconditionality, relinquished my habit and pattern of managing the self in this 3-D reality leaving a deeper sense of naked vulnerability and extreme sensitivity.
Being in that state I could feel the themes for healing over the past two days lectures on the 26,000 year cycles of galactic matriarchal and patriarchal phases and the experiencing spectrum's of dis-integration & Integration (utopic & dystopic).
Where we experienced unconsciousness of the archetypal Father/Mother wounding and its spectrum's of attachment keeping the consciousness locked and attached within re-cycling themes of unconscious illusionary stories surrounding “If only I could have been more perfect.”
Day After Contact Quantum Meditation
I’m adding this into my report as it seems so connected to the whole experience. In addition, I had a number of questions about priests & priestesses asked of me, which I answered during the retreat in private settings.
This morning’s quantum meditation of Oct 3rd,2022 8:38 am, I experienced the vivid memory of sitting at Meiji Jingu (Shrine) in Tokyo with someone you may know from Lyssa’s Channeling workshop.
Her name is Yuchan Sasso and she is Lyssa’s main assistant for over 12 years now. Yuchan is a soul sister to me. We agreed on that day years ago to meet at Meiji Jingu (Shrine) as it has a connection to the ancient Shinto traditions and is a powerful power-spot making it ideal for meditation.
On this occasion many years ago, we both were stunned at both of us having the same exact visitation.
We experienced the Golden Sun Presence of the Sun Goddess Amaterasu with her twin soul. And appearing with Amaterasu was an equally giant and animated Golden Dragon constantly flying around us and at moments staring with its giant eyes and face directly at us. This Giant Golden Dragon seemed so interlinked with Amaterasu.
So this is how the quantum meditation began on the day after the Contact workshop, revisiting that moment.
I was now being shown the model of the continuum of consciousness and its subsequent womb of the void space all exemplified in the simple eloquence of twisting a yellow balloon at its center constructing a scenario of - two nearly spherical spaces from one …all from a simple twist in the one.
From the top space (symbolizing structure-less consciousness), this structure-less consciousness is blown into the void space which the void space symbolizes the womb of separation realities or the constructed structured reality existing in the bottom of the balloon's sphere.
This movement is similar to the awesome power of gamma particles which emit so much spectral frequencies and power that they are arrested inside a sun’s core for a million years in order to get them to dissipate their charges because they damage and alter reality DNA. At about a million yeas they calm down and become photons which are torus in structure and are allowed to venture freely into and across the void.
When the symbolic Sun-presence blows its living active principle into the voidness of separation, it is symbolized as the golden dragon, an active living life-force at a vast collective level journeying into the womb of the void.
This is the collective consciousness (all as one) before separating into individual fractals of the former one combined golden dragon living collective consciousness.
Next they brought up memories of my mom and dad because they both enjoyed cigarette and pipe smoking.
We all have memories of a parent or grandparent playfully blowing smoke rings. They brought up my fascination for observing the rings in detail and focused on how the movement into a new medium from its former medium (from pressured breath into static air) causes a flow dynamic and constructs a torus field. One can drop ink from a dropper into a bucket of still and clear water and create the same torus effect.
Then they began communicating that that movement in the exhale is the metaphor of the Golden Dragon collective consciousness entering the new medium of the void, which then splits into equal opposing black & white twin dragons currents which can be observed at the peak or poles of the horizontal plane.
However, the equal opposing dualities continue all across the vectors of the top plane slices and bottom plane slices giving rise to spectrum's of left-spinning dragon life-force energies and their angles of spin perspectives expressed as yin to yang (negative to positive) and its right spinning versions as well.
After sufficient lifetimes of experiencing the extremes of the various spectrum angles of polarized yin and polarized yang, a frequency of potential for no-polarization and non-duality begins emanating as a living sense of compassion for the fractals of the dragon's scales still venturing in the challenges of maturing and integrating.
Growing within from experiential maturity is a recognition that instead of dynamic opposition such as fighting or resisting other fellow golden fractal dragon scales, compassion is allowed to flourish and sets in motion the priest or priestess level of consciousness.
This Priestess or Priest level of consciousness embodies a sacred inner resonance and purpose-fullness towards stewardship, helping life towards integration of all equal opposites and dualities after self mastering them, in an attitude of compassionate assistance without interference manner.
The temple of the twin dragon is a symbol of a high priest whose consciousness DNA seeds lay dormant until the maturing fractal dragon scales of lineage connections and awakening spirituality, activate the inner remembrance of the process of re-integration of the twin dragons, now ready to return to the original golden dragon before it leaves the separation reality.
Twin Dragons is also a shortened metaphor for mirroring the integration of "all equal opposites" and dualities within experienced as self-mastery. Pain creates compassion understanding and clear-seeing beyond opposing dynamics because they emulate the keys to transforming the Perpetrator, Victim, Rescuer/fixer/hero triangle.
I think there is a linkage of the vision of the Tibetan Himalayas and seeing the golden geometric glitter forming the Golden Dragon of the first night. I'm also amazed about the dream of the manicured parks before leaving Phoenix as it seems to have been pointing to the Plejaren rectangle ship with the parks inside it.
I’m not a writer, so my apologies goes out to those who are and who may have a headache after reading this. I did not proof read as I felt I had to get in down on paper before I lost all hope of recapturing its memories.
Thank you all for making it possible for me to have a space in co-creating such a magnificent week of quantum exploration.
For those seeking Zaysan’s book1 of 3 entitled “Plejaren Diaries -Accidental Contact” click on the link below:
For those seeking Zaysan’s book2 of 3 entitled “Plejaren Diaries II: - Interstellar Divinity” click on the link below:
I’m particularly interested in writing up this report as a means for further processing and assimilating as much of (or all) the potential consciousness-lessons presented as gifts in this year’s total overall experience.
My interest also spans the notion that “this years" Contact Experience included new potentials brought about by the addition of a long-time friend named Zeysan and his bizarre unexpected encounters (all from this year) with his new extraterrestrial family from the Pleiadian star system. They refer to themselves as Plejaren.
After many Zoom conversational sessions with Zeysan, he presented to the Captain of this Plejaren group (approx. two months before the scheduled workshop) a special request (from Lyssa and myself) of potentially giving us an unmistakable fly-by.
My story begins on Saturday September 25th, 2022, after finishing the hosting of the Quantum Navigation Group 2 class around 11:00 pm that night, as I thought since up to that point I have not heard any updates from Zeysan on the request for a fly-by for the Contact workshop, I told myself I would write to him in the morning.
It normally takes time for me to wind down from the QN classes, so at 12:09 am I checked my iPhone messages and was surprised to find that Zeysan must have intuited my query as he wrote this:
Sep 25, 2022, 12:09 AM
I have a response from Mother about your upcoming event. I do not know if i should share it. It is kinda life altering.
after debating it for awhile I decided to leave it up to both of you. I faced this choice back in April and accepted it. I do not regret it.
Lyssa knows her bloodline and you are known by them mostly because of your work. I am probably making something out of nothing but for me it was so hard but I would accept it again and again. yet we are not all ready.
Maybe I am making a lot out of nothing but if you wish to hear her words tell me. Love you guys.
Ron’s Response:
Yup, I do! For better or for worse I'd love to hear it …and thank you and Mother. I’m up late as I just finished my QN class.
Zaysan informed me that he needed to give the message to us both "live" and while we were all together, so I opted for accomplishing this on Zoom on Sunday (the next morning) as Lyssa was asleep …to which he agreed.
When we met on Zoom, he informed us that he wrote Mother’s message (Mother seems to be the leader of the Plejaren group) because he wanted to insure he delivered the full message, and now he wanted to read it to us which we asked him to send us the written version afterwards as we wanted to share it with the group.
Here is the exact message (please pardon the grammar and misspellings).
Mothers request:
Mother: All that attend much fill themselves with an incredible amount of love. Not just try but be it.
Next they have to bare themselves fully of all they are. Really are. Weather it be negative or positive in their life. Release the emotion. No compromise.
Zaysan: The way I say it is naked. No need to set intent because it should be unconditional and should already be there.
If done, Mother will join those that know that kind of love. Your contact (team?) will assist if called upon. Time and space and all that crap.
Mother: Those that do this will have their own personal experience as they set coming into this life weather it was physical or spiritual. Their guides will know this. This aspect will be very personal and they will have to live with this the rest of this life.
Zaysan: My words here: They have to realize there is no going back from that point. Know yourself sort of thing.
Trust me this is no half way thing. There is no one to help them figure it out. Once you commit to love it will be the only path permitted by their higher self.
Acceptance (of this) alters the contract they made before coming here. Yet a positive one it can be a conflict to their physical Personal agenda.
For all of our true intent is love but some forget that.
They are giving all of you a gift, I would like to think that I had something to do with that but I am one just affected by their incredible love.
They, Mother, feels my love for both of you and felt you deserved more than a light show. Sorry, she took over my simple request.
Yes lights will be available for those who only need that. I hate the fact that I only asked for a light show.
This became more, its not my fault. Its Semjase fault. There I got it on record.
Lyssa you are in the bloodline so maybe it is your fault too. There I feel better. If it is not a profound experiential event then it is suggested that you and Ron have your own.
Starting on Our Way to the Oracle Site:
During the early morning of Thursday September 29th, I had one of those stunningly clear dreams of observing a sunny well-lit and immaculately kept green grass, trees and ponds which one could find in a well-manicured city park. So much peace and stillness prevailed that I assumed it was a portend for the upcoming workshop overall state, as some workshops are filled with so much chaos. Little did I know, that as Lyssa and I started on our way to Oracle, and before the workshop would begin, a series of external events and challenges would arise and easily qualify our experience as entering a "circus of the bizarre and insane."
I'm going to skip writing that section up as to avoid any repeats and to shorten this report. Instead I’m skipping ahead to Friday night’s contact.
Sept 30th 2022
Friday Night Contact Experience
... as soon as I started walking towards the Contact site to arrange the various preparations for the conducting of the Contact Ceremony, I suddenly had to turn around and return to my bathroom (immediately) because my bowels were ringing the priority alert.
This reminded me of both, Zaysan’s bodily reaction after his first encounters onboard ship with the Plejaren’s leaving him with over two weeks of diarrhea as well as Mothers recent message to our Contact group which was:
"All that attend much fill themselves with an incredible amount of love. Not just try but be it. Next they have to bare themselves fully of all they are. Really are. Weather it be negative or positive in their life. Release the emotion. No compromise."
This alone can be viewed as a form of shattering of our familiar comfort zones and coping mechanisms that keeps us secure in our preferential 3-D reality perspectives and our attachment to our history, identity and personality. The arising naked vulnerability can be paradigm shattering and leaving one processing and releasing in various spectrum's.
I found I had several episodes prior to our start up ceremonies, but I was returned to a normal status during the overnight and throughout the next day.
Back to the Contact Ceremony:
Shortly after the heart-entrainment musical session by the Lyons of Lyra (Debi and Rob), Lital Cohen followed with a masterful crystal bowl magic session which seemed to step up the heart and consciousness frequency towards that of quantum integration.
I began to journey soon after the heightened gong phase of the musical magic. My vision opened upon a moonlit night’s southern perspective of observing the Tibetan Himalayan Mountain peaks (from a distance and height) allowing full view of all the peaks and valleys.
I started seeing small golden angular (almost like living glitter flakes) similar to shinny golden geometry pieces. These I knew were matured old-souls and were all arising out from various levels of the valleys and mountains, organizing into a slow-motion construction of a long and slender Golden Dragon which seemed to be hovering above the eastern section of the Himalayan Mountains facing south.
As the final pieces of the dragon came into their resting places within the body of the dragon, the Golden Dragon animated as a unified singular-being which was composed all of those geometry fragments.
As it animated, it then began a slow traversing encircling the entire Himalayan Range. I was transfixed observing this dragon on its Himalayan trek.
Then the vision abruptly abated leaving me back in the observer state with a blank empty screen.
With my eyes closed I could hear, Sasha (channeled through Lyssa), lead us through a Pleiadean ceremony engaging Pleiadean priestesses in preparation of experiencing the healing of our wounded archetypal mother template.
I was deep in my internal meditative naked and vulnerable state …paying close attention and ultra sensitive towards sensing the incoming arising nuances of our group-energy-field approaching the heightening quantum fluidity energies.
On this night’s Contact group field, I noticed that the energies were profoundly and absolutely still, and yet within that stillness there was the experience of perfect fulfillment. It was like feeling …that there was nothing to do, nowhere to go and no one to become, …which is how our Daoist teachers taught about being centered.
I was enjoying this state and relishing the ceasing of the mind’s constant mental chatter giving greater clarity to the rise of pure receptive observation, yet having a blank screen and being totally merged with nothing happening.
It was about midway through the Contact experience when unexpectedly I experienced the reality curtain of this familiar 3-D paradigm lift so quickly and completely …that I noticed there was a part of me that felt nearly raped of my comfortable confidence and security in the 3-D (a quasi - "reality rape" of sorts) due to it happening so suddenly and seemingly without any of my consent or control.
I see why the training of accepting the “Circus of the Bizarre and Insane” is essential training towards practicing surrendering and accepting what arises …no matter how bizarre it presents itself.
With all my former senses now in a shattered state from gripping onto the 3-D (and while momentarily being internally detached to my familiar preferences) my full attention and sensory reception was resting upon and busy (examining and categorizing) the surrounding landscape beyond and alternative to this 3-D reality curtain.
As this was flooding my sensory processors …like a dam bursting and spilling its torrents busy filling the landscape, an additional shock of bizarreness arose approximately one foot in front of me.
Within that same rawness state of uncontrollable unpredictability …I found myself staring at the right-side face of a female physical being relative in size and height to my own physical dimensions.
But this was on the other side of the reality veil, and all my senses were flooded and overwhelmed with the “visceral stunning realness” of this encounter.
Adding to perplexing the senses even more, the eyebrows on this being were out-of-context to normal standards, as they extended about 2-3 times normal dimensions extending towards the ear beyond parameters.
Enraptured in processing the eyebrow, I next had to process the elongated almond shape and construct of the eye itself, which seemed to be a hybridization of Asian and Caucasian eye structures.
As I took in these new sensory data sensations, in that fleeting moment, I remember wondering to myself; “Is this Snake Lady?” Moments later I also wondered if perhaps this could be a Plejaren Priestess?
As soon as I got lost in questioning the reality I was so viscerally experiencing, it seemed to flip a consciousness-switch which then dropped me out of the act of merging and acceptance of the flow of this paradigm.
After being dropped out of the paradigm shift, I let all of that former experience go and detached with a bit of relief as I thought I discovered a measure of consciousness-control exposed as a subtle hint of how to turn it all off.
I returned to the meditative state of just enjoying the still active and powerful absolute stillness arising in the group field.
After a number of moments passed and after I seemed to relax deeper and loose all sensation of time, an additional unexpected experience arose, this one arose from the sensation and perspective of being in the observer state.
The vision opened up in the expanse of star filled space with a blue planet off to the left. The sensations arising within my being-ness was feeling like I was experiencing existing and sensing from all parts of everything (in my observational field) including the sensation of inclusivity with spectrums of reverence for all there is.
My focus centered (from observing from above perspective) and upon an unusual constructed long and immensely large, flat like rectangle ship. It seemed to have nearly invisible crystal clear framework, which boggled my mind.
How could such a thing be created?
This immensely large ship was stationed before me with the blue-ish planet off to its left.
This ship, observed from above, had well manicured grass and trees filling the majority of the center span of its entire length, yet had seemingly no glass canopy protecting it. I watched as several Shuttle-craft arrived and saw our group members exiting out and on to the well manicured park like area and began walking.
That ship and its construction fascinated me to no end!
That experience concluded my eventful night and I returned to the Contact group field’s profound stillness which was still so palpable.
After Sasha brought us all back and concluded the nights exercise, many of us stayed around for a bit enjoying the ET light show of which AL captured some on video and photo.
Later that evening I texted Zaysan as I thought to pose it to him if my meeting of the elongated eyebrow and elongated hybrid like Asian/Caucasian eyed female was Snake Lady or perhaps a Plejaren Priestess since there is no description of what any of the members of the Plejarens in his books.
So at 11:24 pm Friday night I texted this question to him.
"Does snake lady or the priestesses have elongated eyebrows and elongated almond eyes sorta like a cross between Asian and Caucasian?"
Saturday 5:57am
Zaysan: Yes snake lady
Wow, having this form of validation so quickly, kind of brought the stunning reality home for me personally and shattered any last doubts from my skeptical side. Visceral experiences of this quality and caliber cannot be unseen or un-experienced.
Still, I found cycling around in my consciousness was the wise realization from many years ago that when swimming with wild dolphin pods in the ocean, if you are needy or clingy towards their presence …they elude you. Yet when you remain centered and detached they swarm you and want to play and share.
So I fully detached from the experience and willingly resolved to re-inhabit organic ordinariness and innocence.
Saturday Night Contact Report
... as soon as I started walking towards the Contact site, I had to turn around repeating last night’s urgent episode alerting me to the potential proximity of the paradigm shift and my need to empty myself. After having normal solid bowel all day, this was starting to be a potential quantum signal for me.
As we started the ceremony it was the Sirian Ambassador Hamon who hosted the Contact and Ceremonies. The energies were substantially different from the previous night’s ceremony.
Tonight's energies and ceremony were intentionally set towards accessing the healing of the archetypal masculine template. The frequencies seemed to be like that of the most benevolent fluid radiance without any impending nor restricting authoritativeness. Just pure benevolence.
I was enjoying this version of un-restrictive masculinity supportive lightheartedness of all-life unconditionally, and yet there was no visions occurring, just a blank screen as my eyes were closed and I was engaging my internal focus.
Suddenly I felt a physical tap on the head …as if a fairly strong male used his fore finger to thunk my scalp.
I did not let that distract me away from my meditative state, I just mentally noted the physical sensation and went back to centered sensing.
After a few moments back in the nothingness state, it suddenly happened again (the mysterious thunking) as if it was pranking me ...which brought up familiar memories of shenanigans Zaysan would pull on me, so I wondered if somehow it was him …then let it all go just as fast.
My Contact experience occurred about midway through this night’s Contact ceremony as I experienced something similar to last night's experience of being about one foot away from the right side face of Snake Lady.
Now, last night I did not mention that my brain experienced three sudden shocks. Those shocks I think are worth mentioning as they seem to be a useful Contact self-observation.
1st shock) Occurred being slammed into an unfamiliar completely new reality perspective paradigm while simultaneously being engrossed in the act of probing, examining and cataloguing this alien landscape and density.
2nd shock) Occurred having a vividly real yet unfamiliar living being with its face unusually close in proximity, (from out of nowhere) now directly in front of me. My engagement senses were on overload pondering who are you and how do I know you?
3rd shock) Occurred as I was experiencing my brain squirm at attempting to cognize and categorize an unfamiliar new alien specie facial architecture.
I think this was the big test for my reality consciousness systems and its overload-stress-testing for seeking balance and acceptance in a heightened shifted paradigm.
In this case, I can see that it was wise to go slow and utilize a shortened length-of-experience while simultaneously engaged in a broader spectrum of sensory receptors needed for making the contact between species more viscerally tangible.
Yet, all the while keeping a tight grip on the circuit breakers so-to-speak in order to not have the condition of the Matrix movie character Neo, swallowing the blue pill and vomiting up at the first experience of being in the true-reality (as it really is seen) without blinders on the eyes or the emotions.
Stair-step incremental manner of contact at our own comfortable pace of quantum acceptance, potentially prevents overloading and triggering of the flight/flight syndrome.
In tonight’s experience, after having the entire day to process yesterday's experience, and about midway through the Contact protocol guided by Sirian ambassador Hamon, once again I was unexpectedly experiencing myself standing amongst the Plejaren family in all its vivid realness (and I've never met them before so there was no time to meet and greet in order to familiarize).
So in my estimation of successfully paradigm-shifting for only two milliseconds before my triple brain shock (mentioned earlier) kicked me out of the experience.
The wide spectrum sensory acceptance overload as I have been attempting to detail and describe had me at overload status and I nearly fell backwards out of my chair!
I have to give myself what kudos I can find to keep this from becoming another “If only I was more perfect self-abuse talk and false story.” In that successful 2 millisecond paradigm threshold transition, I did notice that the reality paradigm contained a broader spectrum of living unconditional-loving-energy. It enveloped my sensory receptors and had me experience the unforgettably profound level and matter-of-fact timeless universal acceptance interwoven within its viscus fabric.
I also recognized within that fabric was the emanation from each Plejaren and their their recognition of us and myself being family.
I think I’m slowly grok-ing it now.
The teleporter between our two realities seems to be consciousness driven. And the essential equation is:
That they are ready whenever we individually are, and seems to be based on how much one can accept, and how fast can one accept of this broader frequency spectrum range.
I left that paradigm with the unmistakable feeling as though my cup was filled to overflowing in that 2 millisecond exposure and also left feeling that there is no hurry, but take all the time you need to practice quantum self-acceptance as you're always welcome here!
I slept very deep that night still having that cup overflowing feeling. In the morning I felt the obvious emotional sensations of having been stripped of all my walls and boundaries. As if crossing that threshold into that paradigm of total unconditionality, relinquished my habit and pattern of managing the self in this 3-D reality leaving a deeper sense of naked vulnerability and extreme sensitivity.
Being in that state I could feel the themes for healing over the past two days lectures on the 26,000 year cycles of galactic matriarchal and patriarchal phases and the experiencing spectrum's of dis-integration & Integration (utopic & dystopic).
Where we experienced unconsciousness of the archetypal Father/Mother wounding and its spectrum's of attachment keeping the consciousness locked and attached within re-cycling themes of unconscious illusionary stories surrounding “If only I could have been more perfect.”
Day After Contact Quantum Meditation
I’m adding this into my report as it seems so connected to the whole experience. In addition, I had a number of questions about priests & priestesses asked of me, which I answered during the retreat in private settings.
This morning’s quantum meditation of Oct 3rd,2022 8:38 am, I experienced the vivid memory of sitting at Meiji Jingu (Shrine) in Tokyo with someone you may know from Lyssa’s Channeling workshop.
Her name is Yuchan Sasso and she is Lyssa’s main assistant for over 12 years now. Yuchan is a soul sister to me. We agreed on that day years ago to meet at Meiji Jingu (Shrine) as it has a connection to the ancient Shinto traditions and is a powerful power-spot making it ideal for meditation.
On this occasion many years ago, we both were stunned at both of us having the same exact visitation.
We experienced the Golden Sun Presence of the Sun Goddess Amaterasu with her twin soul. And appearing with Amaterasu was an equally giant and animated Golden Dragon constantly flying around us and at moments staring with its giant eyes and face directly at us. This Giant Golden Dragon seemed so interlinked with Amaterasu.
So this is how the quantum meditation began on the day after the Contact workshop, revisiting that moment.
I was now being shown the model of the continuum of consciousness and its subsequent womb of the void space all exemplified in the simple eloquence of twisting a yellow balloon at its center constructing a scenario of - two nearly spherical spaces from one …all from a simple twist in the one.
From the top space (symbolizing structure-less consciousness), this structure-less consciousness is blown into the void space which the void space symbolizes the womb of separation realities or the constructed structured reality existing in the bottom of the balloon's sphere.
This movement is similar to the awesome power of gamma particles which emit so much spectral frequencies and power that they are arrested inside a sun’s core for a million years in order to get them to dissipate their charges because they damage and alter reality DNA. At about a million yeas they calm down and become photons which are torus in structure and are allowed to venture freely into and across the void.
When the symbolic Sun-presence blows its living active principle into the voidness of separation, it is symbolized as the golden dragon, an active living life-force at a vast collective level journeying into the womb of the void.
This is the collective consciousness (all as one) before separating into individual fractals of the former one combined golden dragon living collective consciousness.
Next they brought up memories of my mom and dad because they both enjoyed cigarette and pipe smoking.
We all have memories of a parent or grandparent playfully blowing smoke rings. They brought up my fascination for observing the rings in detail and focused on how the movement into a new medium from its former medium (from pressured breath into static air) causes a flow dynamic and constructs a torus field. One can drop ink from a dropper into a bucket of still and clear water and create the same torus effect.
Then they began communicating that that movement in the exhale is the metaphor of the Golden Dragon collective consciousness entering the new medium of the void, which then splits into equal opposing black & white twin dragons currents which can be observed at the peak or poles of the horizontal plane.
However, the equal opposing dualities continue all across the vectors of the top plane slices and bottom plane slices giving rise to spectrum's of left-spinning dragon life-force energies and their angles of spin perspectives expressed as yin to yang (negative to positive) and its right spinning versions as well.
After sufficient lifetimes of experiencing the extremes of the various spectrum angles of polarized yin and polarized yang, a frequency of potential for no-polarization and non-duality begins emanating as a living sense of compassion for the fractals of the dragon's scales still venturing in the challenges of maturing and integrating.
Growing within from experiential maturity is a recognition that instead of dynamic opposition such as fighting or resisting other fellow golden fractal dragon scales, compassion is allowed to flourish and sets in motion the priest or priestess level of consciousness.
This Priestess or Priest level of consciousness embodies a sacred inner resonance and purpose-fullness towards stewardship, helping life towards integration of all equal opposites and dualities after self mastering them, in an attitude of compassionate assistance without interference manner.
The temple of the twin dragon is a symbol of a high priest whose consciousness DNA seeds lay dormant until the maturing fractal dragon scales of lineage connections and awakening spirituality, activate the inner remembrance of the process of re-integration of the twin dragons, now ready to return to the original golden dragon before it leaves the separation reality.
Twin Dragons is also a shortened metaphor for mirroring the integration of "all equal opposites" and dualities within experienced as self-mastery. Pain creates compassion understanding and clear-seeing beyond opposing dynamics because they emulate the keys to transforming the Perpetrator, Victim, Rescuer/fixer/hero triangle.
I think there is a linkage of the vision of the Tibetan Himalayas and seeing the golden geometric glitter forming the Golden Dragon of the first night. I'm also amazed about the dream of the manicured parks before leaving Phoenix as it seems to have been pointing to the Plejaren rectangle ship with the parks inside it.
I’m not a writer, so my apologies goes out to those who are and who may have a headache after reading this. I did not proof read as I felt I had to get in down on paper before I lost all hope of recapturing its memories.
Thank you all for making it possible for me to have a space in co-creating such a magnificent week of quantum exploration.
For those seeking Zaysan’s book1 of 3 entitled “Plejaren Diaries -Accidental Contact” click on the link below:
For those seeking Zaysan’s book2 of 3 entitled “Plejaren Diaries II: - Interstellar Divinity” click on the link below:
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