The Fabric of Contact
Mt. Fuji, Japan - July 5, 2014
by Ronald Holt
Each year there seems to be a theme for each individual participant that inevitably gets played out during the events of the contact weekend. This is strange, but in some sense it is quite logical. The contact experience seems to be a reflection of the contactee's understanding and consciousness. As the contactee engages in repeated contact experiences, there seems to be an incremental or logarithmic evolution in their experiences and understanding.
Reviewing 2013
For myself, the contact theme at Mt Fuji during the 2013 annual retreat was unique. For the first time, I did not see any visitors, nor any ships. I only saw Mt. Fuji -- but unexpectedly the mountain came alive and morphed into an expression of the female Mt. Fuji goddess named Konohanasakuya-Hime. As she moved away from the mountain, she came over the group as an immense being. She softly spoke and shared her wisdom. She stated, "As you release your distractions, you pin-pointedly highlight who and what you are in all things."
From that moment on, I, and some members of the group, experienced such peace and utter stillness that our chests and bodies seemed to have been swallowed by the night sky. One could feel the stars and planets across the cosmos as if it were within our very own bodies. It was quickly followed by an intense integrated frequency that seemed to be spiraling.
2014 Contact Experience
As I sat in the field, I opened myself to the usual spiraling frequency because of its ability to drop one deeply into the sensitivity and vulnerability of the heart space. But this year's spiraling frequency was different than past contact adventures. It seemed much more intense and much more broad. It was as if there were many spirals simultaneously overlapping, creating a "broadband" of highly-integrated frequency, as if the full spectrum of our collective consciousness on a universal level was present. This form of broadband intensification felt like a palpable pressure of harmonization that magnified the feeling of peace and unconditional love to a degree that seemed like the calm eye of a spiraling tornado. The calm, peaceful, and loving eye seemed to absorb and effortlessly drink and assimilate the overlapping spirals as if they were absorbing into every cell.
Soon after "drinking" the spirals, I noticed that my consciousness and perception were transported into blackness. Blackness was all around me as far as I could see. However, this blackness was so neutral that the only thing I could feel was the love magnified by the overlapping spirals.
The blackness gave way to an illumination that was gentle and dull, but sufficient to see in any place where I chose to observe. I noticed that I had the ability to observe in the form of an overview but also I could have specific perceptions of any place I chose to investigate. I began to realize that I was in the deep recesses of a void.
The deep expanse of vastness was incomprehensible. I had no body; I was just consciousness. All around me was pure consciousness. I was so content in the void. There was a profound love emanating from my heart and kept me content to just abide in this lightly-illumined blackness.
I recognized that some time went by in this darkness, and that I was moving my consciousness around the void and noticed there was a boundary. I remained still at this point of observation without having any desire or thought for anything further. Time passed and I noticed that I was on the cusp between wakefulness and sleep.
At this point, the weird experiences began. I could not even dream about what happened next. The only way to explain it is to use metaphor.
We all know that when we shake up a soda bottle enough, the top can pop off and the soda sprays in all directions. What happened next was similar to this metaphor. I could now observe that I had a body, and I watched it from a quantum level -- seeing it both from the outside and the inside simultaneously. I sensed that the series of integrated spirals mentioned above were acting like carbonation in my being. It seemed that they would help to pop open tiny pin holes at the outer end of each spinal vertebrae. Filaments of light came out of these tiny pin holes and they stretched outward infinitely. These filaments were like the fabric of nerves, because they magnified the sense perception. Each filament soon began to open and unfold like an umbrella.
As the vast length of filament uncoiled to reveal a vast architecture of fabric, it seemed as if the vertebrae dissolved from this unfolding. I gazed in astonishment as I watched the bones of my body dissolve. I looked at my toes. They, too, had sprung filaments from each toe and opened up like an umbrella to reveal more expanses of connective fabric. I began to understand that our bodies, down to our bones, are made up of the compressed fabric of the universe that is molded into a physical vehicle that we call a body.
As I thought about this insight, I received a communication that said something like this:
"In the manifested universe of separation that you call 'reality,' consciousness is stretched across the fabric. It expressed itself in gradient stages--from dynamic, transformative, and unbounded consciousness, all the way to dense or static consciousness that you experience in physical reality. This is the same gradient upon which consciousness expresses itself from 'awakened' to 'asleep.' Consciousness is stretched across the spectrum from solids, liquids, gases, plasma, and ether. Within each section of this spectrum there are also gradients.
" This means that your body is a replica of the created universe. Yet, it is not really a replica. It is the universe and more. Your body is the fabric of the combination of the universal dualities all folded and compressed into a vehicle of consciousness.
"When you look upon your body now, understand it in this way. Thus you can bring your consciousness easily and infinitely to any point as you look within yourself. As you familiarize yourself with the universal nature of your body and your consciousness, you dissolve the boundaries of duality and become able to abide as limitless consciousness itself."
The contact experience soon ended. The next day the group shared their many experiences and it became clear that many in the group experienced similar sensations and communications, right down to the sense of spiraling or spinning. As usual, each contact experience builds on the last and we are building a fabric of experience that is profound indeed. I can hardly wait for the next one!
©2014 by Ronald Holt and Seed of Life Institute | [email protected]
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All of Ronald Holt's work (including Quantum Navigation) is part of the SOLi School, a division of
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