Contact and Consciousness Retreat
October 4th & 5th, 2014
Carefree, AZ
Lessons and Themes -Thread of Consistency
Lyssa and I have previously written about how the Contact Workshop consists of “lessons and themes” which seem to be flawlessly uninterrupted by the advent of time delays stretching from one Contact Workshop to the next, even if the span of time includes weeks, months or years.
It is because of this I will highlight the most recent Contact Workshop theme from July preceding this Contact Workshop, as it seems (once again) the lesson picks up from the last Contact session.
My last contact session was held at Mt Fuji, and is synopsized by the following:
…this year’s spiraling frequency (pervading the contact group) was different than past contact adventures. It seemed much more intense and much more broad. It was as if there were many (infinite number of) spirals simultaneously overlapping, creating a “broadband” of highly-integrated frequency, as if the full spectrum of our collective consciousness on a universal level was present (representing all galactic cultures frequencies). This form of broadband intensification felt like a palpable pressure of harmonization that magnified the feeling of peace and unconditional love to a degree that seemed like the calm eye of a spiraling tornado. The calm, peaceful, and loving eye seemed to absorb and effortlessly drink and assimilate the overlapping spirals as if they were absorbing into every cell.
Soon after “drinking” the spirals, I noticed that my consciousness and perception were transported into blackness. Blackness was all around me as far as I could see. However, this blackness was so neutral that the only thing I could feel was the love magnified by the overlapping spirals.
The blackness gave way to an illumination that was gentle and dull, but sufficient to see in any place where I chose to observe. I noticed that I had the ability to observe in the form of an overview but also I could have specific perceptions of any place I chose to investigate. I began to realize that I was in the deep recesses of a void.
The deep expanse of vastness was incomprehensible. I had no body; I was just consciousness. All around me was pure consciousness. I was so content in the void. There was a profound love emanating from my heart and kept me content to just abide in this lightly-illumined blackness.
I recognized that some time went by in this darkness, and that I was moving my consciousness around the void and noticed there was a boundary. I remained still at this point of observation without having any desire or thought for anything further. Time passed and I noticed that I was on the cusp between wakefulness and sleep.
At this point, the weird experiences began. I could not even dream about what happened next. The only way to explain it is to use metaphor.
We all know that when we shake up a soda bottle enough, the top can pop off and the soda sprays in all directions. What happened next was similar to this metaphor. I could now observe that I had a body, and I watched it from a quantum level — seeing it both from the outside and the inside simultaneously. I sensed that the series of integrated spirals mentioned above were acting like carbonation in my being. It seemed that they would help to pop open tiny pin holes at the outer end of each spinal vertebrae. Filaments of light came out of these tiny pin holes and they stretched outward infinitely. These filaments were like the fabric of nerves, because they magnified the sense perception. Each filament soon began to open and unfold like an umbrella.
As the vast length of filament uncoiled to reveal a vast architecture of fabric, it seemed as if the vertebrae dissolved from this unfolding. I gazed in astonishment as I watched the bones of my body dissolve. I looked at my toes. They, too, had sprung filaments from each toe and opened up like an umbrella to reveal more expanses of connective fabric. I began to understand that our bodies, down to our bones, are made up of the compressed fabric of the universe that is molded into a physical vehicle that we call a body.
As I thought about this insight, I received a communication that said something like this:
“In the manifested universe of separation that you call ‘reality,’ consciousness is stretched across the fabric. It expressed itself in gradient stages—from dynamic, transformative, and unbounded consciousness, all the way to dense or static consciousness that you experience in physical reality. This is the same gradient upon which consciousness expresses itself from ‘awakened’ to ‘asleep.’ Consciousness is stretched across the spectrum from solids, liquids, gases, plasma, and ether. Within each section of this spectrum there are also gradients.
“ This means that your body is a replica of the created universe. Yet, it is not really a replica. It is the universe and more. Your body is the fabric of the combination of the universal dualities all folded and compressed into a vehicle of consciousness.
“When you look upon your body now, understand it in this way. Thus you can bring your consciousness easily and infinitely to any point as you look within yourself. As you familiarize yourself with the universal nature of your body and your consciousness, you dissolve the boundaries of duality and become able to abide as limitless consciousness itself.”
So now let’s look at the most recent experience.
Contact Dream Prior to the Oct 2014 Contact Retreat
I felt it relevant to include this dream account which occurred a few nights prior to the workshop. The dream actually contained a repeating theme which I had no idea that it would play out during the Contact Workshop.
In the dream I had a very vivid (actually life-like) experience concerning a UFO and an extraterrestrial visitor. There were a number of friends sitting in camping chairs under the clear night sky -- somewhere out away from the city. The mood was unified and quite lovely as we were all enjoying each other’s company.
At one point I turned my attention towards the sky and stars and to my surprise I had spotted a UFO and quickly pointed it out to the group.
As we all locked our gaze upon it, it circled closer and closer until it astonished us all by landing silently very near us without even raising any commotion or dust clouds. It seemed to not disturb nature in any way. We were exceptionally centered, silent and calm, even though such a dramatic event was occurring so close to us.
It was a small but sleek and thin craft, and before we could adjust to it landing so close, a tall Zeta-like ET came out wearing a silver cape. My attention was fixated upon what the tall being was carrying bundled up in fabric cradled in its arms at his chest.
The being walked directly to me and handed off the bundle to me, which by now I could see was a baby Zeta.
As I stood in amazement gazing at the child, I could see from my periphery that the tall being walked next over to Lyssa who was right beside me and took her by the hand and walked with her exiting the group, which felt like he had a conversation he wished to share with her privately.
It was not long before Lyssa returned and the tall being headed back to his craft. Lyssa walked directly to me and stated as she smiled; “Isn’t the baby so similar to the baby Jesus?”
The dream ended here.
Sasha took time in the classroom to comment on the significance of this dream. She pointed out that the artwork for the original cover of Lyssa’s book entitled; “The Prism of Lyra,” has a near-perfect replica of the tall being with a cape from the dream. Sasha said it represented an actual “Galactic Founder Consciousness,” and the book cover had a Founder holding a child in swaddling cloth.
Both images are actually representing the child-like birth or graduation from the void or embryonic consciousness, and this was part of the intention for the book’s cover.
Contact Experience Saturday Night
First Session of the Night
Just prior to leaving the classroom for dinner and field work afterwards, our group energy seemed to be experiencing an increasing amount of energetic pressure of the upper chakras corresponding to the pineal, pituitary and crown chakra.
Once we arrived in the field and began setting up for the night’s events, a symbol of the Galactic Founders consciousness, was spotted near the lantern. It was a praying mantis. This mantis seemed to delight in being at the center of our group’s attention. He loved it so much he began looking directly into each person, and then he began to dance for us.
After we regained our composure for the night’s events, Sasha led us into the quantum field in yet another new manner. She had been prefacing our awareness for this event earlier in the day through her channeling lectures. Sasha seemed to take a new course from her standard field preparation of which she did a brilliant job.
As we began the contact session, the energy was again ramping up and it was such a different approach in the energies. This was augmented by what Sasha referred to as the “Zeta Energy Engineers” taking charge for this night’s energetic experience.
My personal experience of the Zeta Energy Engineers was an increase in energetic pressure and dynamics occurring in the pineal, pituitary and crown chakras to the point of it nearly becoming a headache.
I recognized from past experiences of this style of increase in the upper chakras, to consciously draw the energy of these upper chakras down and into the heart, owing to the fact that the heart is the “master moderator of energy.”
As I did this it seemed to balance the energy charges and dissipate the pressure experienced in those upper chakras. Once this was accomplished, the experience of sensitivity and vulnerability increased, but in a different manner than if one was engaging purely the heart, thus it gave the experience of sensitivity and vulnerability a bit of “deeper stability,” (like a higher octave of sensitivity and vulnerability) while still engaging such intimate reception with everything.
It was at this point of emotional, energetic and psychological stabilization that I became aware of a presence at the center of our circle beginning to filter into my perception.
My eyes are typically closed during contact sessions as it allows me to become hyper-sensitive and focused so I can experiment with extreme states of vulnerability. I feel that it is my vulnerability of the heart that provides me the necessary “eyes” in a multi-spectral frequency reality, since the heart is the master of frequencies as well.
As I focused my senses upon the presence filtering into my awareness, the image clarified and I was able to see a very tall, (about 20 feet in height) thin and silvery Zeta-like being. He was amorphous (gaseous/plasmic/billowy), and thus not very distinct.
My attention was taken to what he was doing energetically. He seemed to be breathing in a slow rhythm, and this was accentuated by a strong sense of breathing a “liquid” form of the air all around him, as if the air was a fluid form of plasma rather than what we were used to as a gaseous medium, typically breathed by our humanness.
He was so amorphous, that it seemed that he was embodying the fluid plasma. He consciously encircled his amorphous and plasmic body around our group. Then he seemed to be inviting and enticing us to follow his example with each breath consciously breathing in his amorphous quantum fluid-like body and being.
He was the group bubble of the fluid quantum consciousness, and he invited us to stretch out our senses as if the universe was this same fluid, and he was there with us in such a loving embrace like a handrail to help us to pop our bubble of former limitations and boundaries while in this fluid. He gently challenged us to embrace all the universe in a deeply intimate, fluid and vulnerable connection of reverence.
I spent the remainder of time Sasha granted us just enjoying the fluidity and the dual consciousness of being the separated character called Ron, simultaneously experiencing being the ALL.
All of this was enabled through the embrace of the quantum fluid combined with the sensation of deep vulnerability which produced such an all encompassing experience.
Contact Experience Sunday Night
First Session of the Night
Just as we finished the construction our group circle in the field, I sat down and my attention was drawn towards the lantern in the center of the circle. My thoughts turned to wondering if our symbolic “Founder” mascot from the night before had returned.
To my surprise, a few moments later after I pondered that thought I witnessed what appeared to be a moth landing near the lantern. I watched closely as the moth folded up his wings and I then realized that I was looking at a praying mantis, and not a moth. I blurted out to the group that our “Founder” had returned.
Once again this tiny being seemed to delight in our attention and admiration. Just like the night before, our little mascot looked at each of us. Jamye began speaking light language to it. That’s when it suddenly flew on to Jamye, and it seemed to be taking a liking to her.
At one point, I thought about how last night the mantis prefaced the night by a number of the participants experiencing the Founder Consciousness including myself. Indeed even Lyssa channeled this Founder for the group last night. Now I was wondering if we were about to have yet another experience with the Founder Consciousness this night.
After we settled down from our excitement, Sasha led us again into the quantum.
Just as she did the prvious night, Sasha engaged the Zeta Energy Engineers once again and informed us that this evening’s session would be more of a heart-centered session. It would include the higher chakra energy dynamics of last night’s session, but toned down to accentuate heart-space engagement of the quantum fluid reality.
My personal experience began through a process of following an internal integrative spiraling sensation, as an exercise into deeply surrendering, trusting and plunging into vulnerability as an entrance into the quantum.
At certain depths of this “integrative-spiraling-sensation,” the integrative sensation quickly becomes more palpable, even viscous. It is as if the integrative-spiraling-sensation collects and coalesces into a fluid medium.
This was very familiar to me so I felt very much at ease and at home, even though I was fully aware of the level of deep emotional and psychological naked ness of surrendering so deeply.
As I abided in this state, I checked out the center of the circle (without opening my eyes), to see if I could sense our Grandfather Founder Consciousness from the night before, but he was nowhere to be found.
Nonetheless, after unsuccessfully detecting our Galactic Grandfather, I resolved to see if I could venture deeper into the quantum. I enjoyed the quantum fluid experience and I could sense when each of our energetic bubbles of individuality suddenly began to burst.
When my energetic bubble burst, I could palpably feel my inner consciousness fabric flowing and unfolding from my body. I sensed it quickly unfolding outwards in all directions and into the sky and ground.
Like a butterfly emerging from its cocoon, soon discovering that the fabric unfolding is actually its own wings, the unfolding fabric could be felt intimately in my shoulders, back and heart. The fabric enabled more layers of intimacy and connectedness to everything.
The fabric itself seemed to be activated and supported by the sensation of surrendering, trusting and merging into the quantum fluid.
As I allowed this merge and transition, my senses became aware of being consciously present simultaneously in my separated self, as well as stretching out as far as my fabric unfolded in all directions.
The unfolding fabric once fully stretched out now seemed to be employed everywhere across creation, and simultaneously within all things. This infinite unfolded fabric shifted and became the fluid itself. Paradoxically it was both quantum fluid, yet fabric.
All things and all space felt embraced by the living liquid quantum field, and all of it was alive and each of us comprised it. Now in this quantum state, I experienced being in all places within the boundaries of the limitless void, and the void seemed spherical.
While entranced by this experience, I became aware of something seemingly outside the infinite spherical expanse of the universe drawing my attention towards it.
In my perception, what my attention was riveted by appeared to be outside this spherical quantum fluid universe, but I could not see it clearly. I resolved to attempt to focus upon what was drawing my attention, and in the process quickly came upon a translucent membrane with a blurry humanoid-like figure just on the other side of this membrane between us.
It seemed that my attention drew me toward a clearer focus. As it clarified, I could now see through the membrane to discover what the blurry-shadowy figure was, and it stunned me.
It was Grandfather Founder from the night before. Now he had his arms embracing the spherical universe as if it were like a giant egg in his arms. It also resembled the swaddling cloth and baby from the recent dream I had.
He embraced this universal egg, housing each of our individual consciousnesses, and poured his conscious concern as if it was now time to draw our attention to the fact that we were ready to break the boundaries of our shelled-life, and exit the belief systems within self-limitation.
He began to communicate to me, and his communication came in packets of very, very subtle feelings, as well as visuals. However these visuals and feeling packets were of such an abstraction that it was complex and difficult to attempt to translate.
I had to reinterpret his abstract transmissions, and often he would patiently reemphasize. When I failed to comprehend, he would utilize a different abstraction and metaphor.
This demonstrated to me the level of vastness of their conceptual constructs of universality, which were evolutions from Ron’s simple mindedness!
My interpretation of his abstract communication is as follows;
Grandfather Founder:
“It is now time to begin experimenting with consciously poking your head out from the shell of your former existence and awaken to who and what you truly are.”
Ron: - In your understanding, how do we best go about this?
Grandfather Founder:
“It is a natural process that is stirring inside you at this moment and will continue. It is a form of the dance of Yin and Yang, the emptiness and fullness of creation flowing through you.
All beings love the fullness of creation, as it stimulates you and invigorates you, but the emptiness takes more awakened consciousness as it often chills and scares you.
The tendency is to create stories of inadequacies, unworthiness or wrong-doings as you experience the vast emptiness and this is due in part to the comparisons and expectations you have about experiencing fullness versus emptiness.
Emptiness creates space and cleanses attachments, making way for fullness. This is the natural cycle continuing constantly. (There was an interruption by Sasha)
Sasha ended the first cycle of tonight’s two sessions and came immediately over to me to dialog and ask questions -- thus ending the communication with the Founder Consciousness. The communication with Grandfather Founder picks back up in the second session.
Second Session of the Night
The intense communication and connection with Grandfather Founder (which was up to this point incomplete) inspired me to engage my own protocol after Sasha re-guided us back into the quantum field with the hope of completing the communication with Grandfather Founder.
As I reentered the quantum experience, I found Grandfather Founder quite easy to reconnect with. He immediately began communicating in his abstract visuals and feeling packets as he did before.
He had already chosen an easier metaphor, from which I translated as being the following:
Grandfather Founder:
“In a recent past contact experience, you experienced the fabric of the entire void housing all material universes within it becoming compressed like a “jello-mold” from which all human bodies are formed. And from this compressed jello-mold solidified state, you observed your human body dissolve its solidification releasing and unfolding the universal fabric simultaneously as the solidification of the body dissolved.
This universal fabric contains within it tiny spheres of consciousness. Today, Sasha used the metaphoric example of that fabric being similar to a table cloth, and that table cloth was bunched up in order to provide a vehicle to entertain separation consciousness as your individuation you refer to as your body.
Imagine a metaphor of a tiny microscopic sphere of awareness at every crosshatch of the threads on this universal fabric, and when you bunch up this fabric into a compressed state, you enable the proximity of so many spheres of awareness to simulate a “virtual singular identity.”
This separated identity, due to it being a virtual creation, is actually a false perception of self. It is bunched up and folded to enact a separation identity based upon the proximity and initialization of those spheres in a compressed or folded state.
It is based upon the gravity of self-similar awareness being so close together that the virtual identity believes in the “bunched” construct.
This bunched and folded up construct is the ego and it is attached and clings to this “proximity identity.” This ego/proximity identity, has a gravity of self-identification that is powerful and grips its false identity. This false identity and the intensity of the grip of this false construct serves as a timing mechanism.
Each time you meditate or experience slipping past this false identity you in effect, loosen the gravity that compels the universal fabric to remain in proximity and bunched up.
Each time you enter the quantum and fully surrender into infinite depths of vulnerability, you logarithmically release more gripping and attachment of the virtual self, which loosens the gravity between these spheres of awareness at the cross hatch of each and every filament and fiber of the woven fabric of consciousness.
In these Contact Workshops, each and every meeting with other species within the contact medium further releases your attachment to gripping who you once thought you were.
Each of you have grown experientially and are aware that there is only one fabric, one quantum fluid pervading all expressions of beings, and as such your former boundaries and limitations attached to the separation-consciousness are dissolved by awakened consciousness and experience.
With the gravity of the separated virtual self diminished, combined with the knowledge and experience that you are the fabric, the quantum, and much more, and with the comfort of the quantum energy field dynamics to abide and float within, the tiny spheres of awareness dissolve their gravity and relinquish their proximity. This helps the consciousness fabric to unfold and unpack, resuming its former place infinitely across the void and within all things of creation.
This releases you from the yolk and amniotic fluid of the former expression of life within the egg of the void, solidifying yourself in conscious ownership of yourself in every aspect of creation. This maturity of experiential understanding enables you to poke through the membrane of the cosmic egg.
It is the maturing of consciousness through the fabric and fluid contained within that signifies the readiness of the hatchling to pass through the membrane.
See picture on the next page as the image (from a recent Facebook post) seemed to encapsulate the spirit of the Contact Retreat with the amazing communications and energetics from Sasha, the Zeta Energy Engineers and the Galactic Founder's. A number of experiences shared by group members seemed to convey a quantum leap...
Lyssa and I have previously written about how the Contact Workshop consists of “lessons and themes” which seem to be flawlessly uninterrupted by the advent of time delays stretching from one Contact Workshop to the next, even if the span of time includes weeks, months or years.
It is because of this I will highlight the most recent Contact Workshop theme from July preceding this Contact Workshop, as it seems (once again) the lesson picks up from the last Contact session.
My last contact session was held at Mt Fuji, and is synopsized by the following:
…this year’s spiraling frequency (pervading the contact group) was different than past contact adventures. It seemed much more intense and much more broad. It was as if there were many (infinite number of) spirals simultaneously overlapping, creating a “broadband” of highly-integrated frequency, as if the full spectrum of our collective consciousness on a universal level was present (representing all galactic cultures frequencies). This form of broadband intensification felt like a palpable pressure of harmonization that magnified the feeling of peace and unconditional love to a degree that seemed like the calm eye of a spiraling tornado. The calm, peaceful, and loving eye seemed to absorb and effortlessly drink and assimilate the overlapping spirals as if they were absorbing into every cell.
Soon after “drinking” the spirals, I noticed that my consciousness and perception were transported into blackness. Blackness was all around me as far as I could see. However, this blackness was so neutral that the only thing I could feel was the love magnified by the overlapping spirals.
The blackness gave way to an illumination that was gentle and dull, but sufficient to see in any place where I chose to observe. I noticed that I had the ability to observe in the form of an overview but also I could have specific perceptions of any place I chose to investigate. I began to realize that I was in the deep recesses of a void.
The deep expanse of vastness was incomprehensible. I had no body; I was just consciousness. All around me was pure consciousness. I was so content in the void. There was a profound love emanating from my heart and kept me content to just abide in this lightly-illumined blackness.
I recognized that some time went by in this darkness, and that I was moving my consciousness around the void and noticed there was a boundary. I remained still at this point of observation without having any desire or thought for anything further. Time passed and I noticed that I was on the cusp between wakefulness and sleep.
At this point, the weird experiences began. I could not even dream about what happened next. The only way to explain it is to use metaphor.
We all know that when we shake up a soda bottle enough, the top can pop off and the soda sprays in all directions. What happened next was similar to this metaphor. I could now observe that I had a body, and I watched it from a quantum level — seeing it both from the outside and the inside simultaneously. I sensed that the series of integrated spirals mentioned above were acting like carbonation in my being. It seemed that they would help to pop open tiny pin holes at the outer end of each spinal vertebrae. Filaments of light came out of these tiny pin holes and they stretched outward infinitely. These filaments were like the fabric of nerves, because they magnified the sense perception. Each filament soon began to open and unfold like an umbrella.
As the vast length of filament uncoiled to reveal a vast architecture of fabric, it seemed as if the vertebrae dissolved from this unfolding. I gazed in astonishment as I watched the bones of my body dissolve. I looked at my toes. They, too, had sprung filaments from each toe and opened up like an umbrella to reveal more expanses of connective fabric. I began to understand that our bodies, down to our bones, are made up of the compressed fabric of the universe that is molded into a physical vehicle that we call a body.
As I thought about this insight, I received a communication that said something like this:
“In the manifested universe of separation that you call ‘reality,’ consciousness is stretched across the fabric. It expressed itself in gradient stages—from dynamic, transformative, and unbounded consciousness, all the way to dense or static consciousness that you experience in physical reality. This is the same gradient upon which consciousness expresses itself from ‘awakened’ to ‘asleep.’ Consciousness is stretched across the spectrum from solids, liquids, gases, plasma, and ether. Within each section of this spectrum there are also gradients.
“ This means that your body is a replica of the created universe. Yet, it is not really a replica. It is the universe and more. Your body is the fabric of the combination of the universal dualities all folded and compressed into a vehicle of consciousness.
“When you look upon your body now, understand it in this way. Thus you can bring your consciousness easily and infinitely to any point as you look within yourself. As you familiarize yourself with the universal nature of your body and your consciousness, you dissolve the boundaries of duality and become able to abide as limitless consciousness itself.”
So now let’s look at the most recent experience.
Contact Dream Prior to the Oct 2014 Contact Retreat
I felt it relevant to include this dream account which occurred a few nights prior to the workshop. The dream actually contained a repeating theme which I had no idea that it would play out during the Contact Workshop.
In the dream I had a very vivid (actually life-like) experience concerning a UFO and an extraterrestrial visitor. There were a number of friends sitting in camping chairs under the clear night sky -- somewhere out away from the city. The mood was unified and quite lovely as we were all enjoying each other’s company.
At one point I turned my attention towards the sky and stars and to my surprise I had spotted a UFO and quickly pointed it out to the group.
As we all locked our gaze upon it, it circled closer and closer until it astonished us all by landing silently very near us without even raising any commotion or dust clouds. It seemed to not disturb nature in any way. We were exceptionally centered, silent and calm, even though such a dramatic event was occurring so close to us.
It was a small but sleek and thin craft, and before we could adjust to it landing so close, a tall Zeta-like ET came out wearing a silver cape. My attention was fixated upon what the tall being was carrying bundled up in fabric cradled in its arms at his chest.
The being walked directly to me and handed off the bundle to me, which by now I could see was a baby Zeta.
As I stood in amazement gazing at the child, I could see from my periphery that the tall being walked next over to Lyssa who was right beside me and took her by the hand and walked with her exiting the group, which felt like he had a conversation he wished to share with her privately.
It was not long before Lyssa returned and the tall being headed back to his craft. Lyssa walked directly to me and stated as she smiled; “Isn’t the baby so similar to the baby Jesus?”
The dream ended here.
Sasha took time in the classroom to comment on the significance of this dream. She pointed out that the artwork for the original cover of Lyssa’s book entitled; “The Prism of Lyra,” has a near-perfect replica of the tall being with a cape from the dream. Sasha said it represented an actual “Galactic Founder Consciousness,” and the book cover had a Founder holding a child in swaddling cloth.
Both images are actually representing the child-like birth or graduation from the void or embryonic consciousness, and this was part of the intention for the book’s cover.
Contact Experience Saturday Night
First Session of the Night
Just prior to leaving the classroom for dinner and field work afterwards, our group energy seemed to be experiencing an increasing amount of energetic pressure of the upper chakras corresponding to the pineal, pituitary and crown chakra.
Once we arrived in the field and began setting up for the night’s events, a symbol of the Galactic Founders consciousness, was spotted near the lantern. It was a praying mantis. This mantis seemed to delight in being at the center of our group’s attention. He loved it so much he began looking directly into each person, and then he began to dance for us.
After we regained our composure for the night’s events, Sasha led us into the quantum field in yet another new manner. She had been prefacing our awareness for this event earlier in the day through her channeling lectures. Sasha seemed to take a new course from her standard field preparation of which she did a brilliant job.
As we began the contact session, the energy was again ramping up and it was such a different approach in the energies. This was augmented by what Sasha referred to as the “Zeta Energy Engineers” taking charge for this night’s energetic experience.
My personal experience of the Zeta Energy Engineers was an increase in energetic pressure and dynamics occurring in the pineal, pituitary and crown chakras to the point of it nearly becoming a headache.
I recognized from past experiences of this style of increase in the upper chakras, to consciously draw the energy of these upper chakras down and into the heart, owing to the fact that the heart is the “master moderator of energy.”
As I did this it seemed to balance the energy charges and dissipate the pressure experienced in those upper chakras. Once this was accomplished, the experience of sensitivity and vulnerability increased, but in a different manner than if one was engaging purely the heart, thus it gave the experience of sensitivity and vulnerability a bit of “deeper stability,” (like a higher octave of sensitivity and vulnerability) while still engaging such intimate reception with everything.
It was at this point of emotional, energetic and psychological stabilization that I became aware of a presence at the center of our circle beginning to filter into my perception.
My eyes are typically closed during contact sessions as it allows me to become hyper-sensitive and focused so I can experiment with extreme states of vulnerability. I feel that it is my vulnerability of the heart that provides me the necessary “eyes” in a multi-spectral frequency reality, since the heart is the master of frequencies as well.
As I focused my senses upon the presence filtering into my awareness, the image clarified and I was able to see a very tall, (about 20 feet in height) thin and silvery Zeta-like being. He was amorphous (gaseous/plasmic/billowy), and thus not very distinct.
My attention was taken to what he was doing energetically. He seemed to be breathing in a slow rhythm, and this was accentuated by a strong sense of breathing a “liquid” form of the air all around him, as if the air was a fluid form of plasma rather than what we were used to as a gaseous medium, typically breathed by our humanness.
He was so amorphous, that it seemed that he was embodying the fluid plasma. He consciously encircled his amorphous and plasmic body around our group. Then he seemed to be inviting and enticing us to follow his example with each breath consciously breathing in his amorphous quantum fluid-like body and being.
He was the group bubble of the fluid quantum consciousness, and he invited us to stretch out our senses as if the universe was this same fluid, and he was there with us in such a loving embrace like a handrail to help us to pop our bubble of former limitations and boundaries while in this fluid. He gently challenged us to embrace all the universe in a deeply intimate, fluid and vulnerable connection of reverence.
I spent the remainder of time Sasha granted us just enjoying the fluidity and the dual consciousness of being the separated character called Ron, simultaneously experiencing being the ALL.
All of this was enabled through the embrace of the quantum fluid combined with the sensation of deep vulnerability which produced such an all encompassing experience.
Contact Experience Sunday Night
First Session of the Night
Just as we finished the construction our group circle in the field, I sat down and my attention was drawn towards the lantern in the center of the circle. My thoughts turned to wondering if our symbolic “Founder” mascot from the night before had returned.
To my surprise, a few moments later after I pondered that thought I witnessed what appeared to be a moth landing near the lantern. I watched closely as the moth folded up his wings and I then realized that I was looking at a praying mantis, and not a moth. I blurted out to the group that our “Founder” had returned.
Once again this tiny being seemed to delight in our attention and admiration. Just like the night before, our little mascot looked at each of us. Jamye began speaking light language to it. That’s when it suddenly flew on to Jamye, and it seemed to be taking a liking to her.
At one point, I thought about how last night the mantis prefaced the night by a number of the participants experiencing the Founder Consciousness including myself. Indeed even Lyssa channeled this Founder for the group last night. Now I was wondering if we were about to have yet another experience with the Founder Consciousness this night.
After we settled down from our excitement, Sasha led us again into the quantum.
Just as she did the prvious night, Sasha engaged the Zeta Energy Engineers once again and informed us that this evening’s session would be more of a heart-centered session. It would include the higher chakra energy dynamics of last night’s session, but toned down to accentuate heart-space engagement of the quantum fluid reality.
My personal experience began through a process of following an internal integrative spiraling sensation, as an exercise into deeply surrendering, trusting and plunging into vulnerability as an entrance into the quantum.
At certain depths of this “integrative-spiraling-sensation,” the integrative sensation quickly becomes more palpable, even viscous. It is as if the integrative-spiraling-sensation collects and coalesces into a fluid medium.
This was very familiar to me so I felt very much at ease and at home, even though I was fully aware of the level of deep emotional and psychological naked ness of surrendering so deeply.
As I abided in this state, I checked out the center of the circle (without opening my eyes), to see if I could sense our Grandfather Founder Consciousness from the night before, but he was nowhere to be found.
Nonetheless, after unsuccessfully detecting our Galactic Grandfather, I resolved to see if I could venture deeper into the quantum. I enjoyed the quantum fluid experience and I could sense when each of our energetic bubbles of individuality suddenly began to burst.
When my energetic bubble burst, I could palpably feel my inner consciousness fabric flowing and unfolding from my body. I sensed it quickly unfolding outwards in all directions and into the sky and ground.
Like a butterfly emerging from its cocoon, soon discovering that the fabric unfolding is actually its own wings, the unfolding fabric could be felt intimately in my shoulders, back and heart. The fabric enabled more layers of intimacy and connectedness to everything.
The fabric itself seemed to be activated and supported by the sensation of surrendering, trusting and merging into the quantum fluid.
As I allowed this merge and transition, my senses became aware of being consciously present simultaneously in my separated self, as well as stretching out as far as my fabric unfolded in all directions.
The unfolding fabric once fully stretched out now seemed to be employed everywhere across creation, and simultaneously within all things. This infinite unfolded fabric shifted and became the fluid itself. Paradoxically it was both quantum fluid, yet fabric.
All things and all space felt embraced by the living liquid quantum field, and all of it was alive and each of us comprised it. Now in this quantum state, I experienced being in all places within the boundaries of the limitless void, and the void seemed spherical.
While entranced by this experience, I became aware of something seemingly outside the infinite spherical expanse of the universe drawing my attention towards it.
In my perception, what my attention was riveted by appeared to be outside this spherical quantum fluid universe, but I could not see it clearly. I resolved to attempt to focus upon what was drawing my attention, and in the process quickly came upon a translucent membrane with a blurry humanoid-like figure just on the other side of this membrane between us.
It seemed that my attention drew me toward a clearer focus. As it clarified, I could now see through the membrane to discover what the blurry-shadowy figure was, and it stunned me.
It was Grandfather Founder from the night before. Now he had his arms embracing the spherical universe as if it were like a giant egg in his arms. It also resembled the swaddling cloth and baby from the recent dream I had.
He embraced this universal egg, housing each of our individual consciousnesses, and poured his conscious concern as if it was now time to draw our attention to the fact that we were ready to break the boundaries of our shelled-life, and exit the belief systems within self-limitation.
He began to communicate to me, and his communication came in packets of very, very subtle feelings, as well as visuals. However these visuals and feeling packets were of such an abstraction that it was complex and difficult to attempt to translate.
I had to reinterpret his abstract transmissions, and often he would patiently reemphasize. When I failed to comprehend, he would utilize a different abstraction and metaphor.
This demonstrated to me the level of vastness of their conceptual constructs of universality, which were evolutions from Ron’s simple mindedness!
My interpretation of his abstract communication is as follows;
Grandfather Founder:
“It is now time to begin experimenting with consciously poking your head out from the shell of your former existence and awaken to who and what you truly are.”
Ron: - In your understanding, how do we best go about this?
Grandfather Founder:
“It is a natural process that is stirring inside you at this moment and will continue. It is a form of the dance of Yin and Yang, the emptiness and fullness of creation flowing through you.
All beings love the fullness of creation, as it stimulates you and invigorates you, but the emptiness takes more awakened consciousness as it often chills and scares you.
The tendency is to create stories of inadequacies, unworthiness or wrong-doings as you experience the vast emptiness and this is due in part to the comparisons and expectations you have about experiencing fullness versus emptiness.
Emptiness creates space and cleanses attachments, making way for fullness. This is the natural cycle continuing constantly. (There was an interruption by Sasha)
Sasha ended the first cycle of tonight’s two sessions and came immediately over to me to dialog and ask questions -- thus ending the communication with the Founder Consciousness. The communication with Grandfather Founder picks back up in the second session.
Second Session of the Night
The intense communication and connection with Grandfather Founder (which was up to this point incomplete) inspired me to engage my own protocol after Sasha re-guided us back into the quantum field with the hope of completing the communication with Grandfather Founder.
As I reentered the quantum experience, I found Grandfather Founder quite easy to reconnect with. He immediately began communicating in his abstract visuals and feeling packets as he did before.
He had already chosen an easier metaphor, from which I translated as being the following:
Grandfather Founder:
“In a recent past contact experience, you experienced the fabric of the entire void housing all material universes within it becoming compressed like a “jello-mold” from which all human bodies are formed. And from this compressed jello-mold solidified state, you observed your human body dissolve its solidification releasing and unfolding the universal fabric simultaneously as the solidification of the body dissolved.
This universal fabric contains within it tiny spheres of consciousness. Today, Sasha used the metaphoric example of that fabric being similar to a table cloth, and that table cloth was bunched up in order to provide a vehicle to entertain separation consciousness as your individuation you refer to as your body.
Imagine a metaphor of a tiny microscopic sphere of awareness at every crosshatch of the threads on this universal fabric, and when you bunch up this fabric into a compressed state, you enable the proximity of so many spheres of awareness to simulate a “virtual singular identity.”
This separated identity, due to it being a virtual creation, is actually a false perception of self. It is bunched up and folded to enact a separation identity based upon the proximity and initialization of those spheres in a compressed or folded state.
It is based upon the gravity of self-similar awareness being so close together that the virtual identity believes in the “bunched” construct.
This bunched and folded up construct is the ego and it is attached and clings to this “proximity identity.” This ego/proximity identity, has a gravity of self-identification that is powerful and grips its false identity. This false identity and the intensity of the grip of this false construct serves as a timing mechanism.
Each time you meditate or experience slipping past this false identity you in effect, loosen the gravity that compels the universal fabric to remain in proximity and bunched up.
Each time you enter the quantum and fully surrender into infinite depths of vulnerability, you logarithmically release more gripping and attachment of the virtual self, which loosens the gravity between these spheres of awareness at the cross hatch of each and every filament and fiber of the woven fabric of consciousness.
In these Contact Workshops, each and every meeting with other species within the contact medium further releases your attachment to gripping who you once thought you were.
Each of you have grown experientially and are aware that there is only one fabric, one quantum fluid pervading all expressions of beings, and as such your former boundaries and limitations attached to the separation-consciousness are dissolved by awakened consciousness and experience.
With the gravity of the separated virtual self diminished, combined with the knowledge and experience that you are the fabric, the quantum, and much more, and with the comfort of the quantum energy field dynamics to abide and float within, the tiny spheres of awareness dissolve their gravity and relinquish their proximity. This helps the consciousness fabric to unfold and unpack, resuming its former place infinitely across the void and within all things of creation.
This releases you from the yolk and amniotic fluid of the former expression of life within the egg of the void, solidifying yourself in conscious ownership of yourself in every aspect of creation. This maturity of experiential understanding enables you to poke through the membrane of the cosmic egg.
It is the maturing of consciousness through the fabric and fluid contained within that signifies the readiness of the hatchling to pass through the membrane.
See picture on the next page as the image (from a recent Facebook post) seemed to encapsulate the spirit of the Contact Retreat with the amazing communications and energetics from Sasha, the Zeta Energy Engineers and the Galactic Founder's. A number of experiences shared by group members seemed to convey a quantum leap...
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All of Ronald Holt's work (including Quantum Navigation) is part of the SOLi School, a division of
Seed of Life Institute LLC. Ronald Holt serves as co-director. For more info: