Contact Sharing from Oracle, AZ Sept 28th
A transcription and editing from the Saturday morning sharing
by Ronald Holt
Like many of us experienced last night, there was a deep sense of communion we all carried. Resha, you obviously experienced the deep vulnerability and communion, and like you I’m still feeling, just as you are now, that deep sense because something huge has taken place last night.
Obviously it is going to take quite awhile to process all those pieces and bring them all within. I want to start off by saying that I didn’t really get prior to arriving here in Oracle, any real forays into what was going to happen other than “something big this way comes,” and I shared this with Bobbie and Harry only that it seems like a graduation.
And so some of you may know in my presentations available on YouTube on the Quantum Navigation Classes, I can get a little bit detailed. Last night was one of those experiences where so much was being revealed that I have to take a little time to contextualize because the gift of what was being brought to us, everyone is getting pieces of it. And perhaps even as we share we can all appreciate our own messages at a greater depth and maybe even unpack a little bit more.
In the last three months I’ve been putting out in the videos that there has been some unusual activity which has culminated in such beings as Saraswati coming and communicating about moving or shaking, …vibrating the creation templates, our inner templates that allow us the construct of our being and the construct of our reality.
And if one understands Saraswati, one knows that she is the goddess pictured with four arms. Those four arms relate to music, science, art and wisdom. But highlighting those implements, Saraswati is the goddess that through sound created the templates that we see and reveals to us such things as “Cymatics” and also Dr. Emoto’s water work where you can see that vibration holds the sacred geometry of all these templates for physical forms.
In the video’s we went over the great depths of sacred geometry (and how pervasive it exists throughout creation) which is important to understand so you can claim, you can engage and embrace your participation on the many strata’s and appreciate how much comes into condensation, layer-upon-layer, into this physical body.
Saraswati sang the orchestration of materiality, and consequentially she is the goddess that by that vibration of singing, she also helps us release those templates. So she helps guide us back into nothingness.
We have a propensity for holding on to form, and so last night the themes that Sasha shared with us, I had the opportunity to share a short overview of my Contact experience during the break between Contact sessions with Jane and Lyssa. I experienced that all of the ET’s which had surrounded our group had brought a whole lot more ET’s with them. ET’s I’ve never seen before, were part of the group.
When Sasha started talking about how each of these ET’s were holding a thread of the fabric of the reality, I understood at a deep level that the thread meant “you” (each of us) and the construct of reality. So when the ET’s began to shake the thread’s they were holding, two things started happening.
One of those things was, and in order to contextualize, this was the moment when the wolves, wolves?! …I mean coyotes. The coyotes all started howling but only for a little while.
The wolves have been gone from Arizona for a long time. So the next strata down, the next fractal down are the coyotes and foxes. In Japan, Saraswati is known as Seoritsu-Hime and or, depends on where you read she is also known as the goddess Benten.
And so there is confusion over these two goddesses with four arms, however their signet is wolf and fox. So ironically at that moment of the coyotes howling, the first of the unusual experiences began to happen for me.
One last thing about Saraswati is that the trinity of goddesses known as Saraswati, Lakshmi and Parvati, who are the consorts Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva, together they hold everything.
So as a consort, Saraswati, Lakshmi and Parvati are known as Durga and Durga is the great mother …which is confusing. How can the three be one?
Unless you use a metaphor of an “Apex-Fractal,” then the Great Mother becomes simple to see and understand that Durga is Parvati, Lakshmi and Saraswati combined
So the moment that Sasha stated that the ET’s will begin to shake the fabric (which simultaneously the coyotes began to howl) - all of a sudden all of the representative ET’s that were holding the threads circling our group, they each became apex fractals. The whole reality opened up and exposed a window into each of their whole civilizations, and their whole history.
The second thing that happened, was that instead of all of us being in the circle in front of all of the ET’s, as the coyote howling began suddenly we each became the “one-human” (apex fractal) now standing at the center of the circle and all the ET’s and their threads connected each specie to the collective one-human at the center of the circle.
Standing at the center of all of those threads, they began to shake the thread and it opened the windows of the various histories of all these ET races, and they were communicating that the way to heal the fractures in the Great-Hologram of the one, was to take responsibility for every part you played. So, “you,” (each of us) exist at the center of all the threads with all the apex civilizations.
They were showing that it’s only you, there is only one …and you are a fractal of the one.
I want to go back for a moment to the first day as we were introducing ourselves. When it was Resha’s turn, I remember Resha stating at one point that she was now acknowledging herself as the Resha-collective, which soon gave rise to the Bobbie collective and the Harry collective and so on. Resha hit the theme right on the mark!
We cannot step out of the hologram of creation and feel healed and free until we take total responsibility for stewarding all of the fractals of your-self (in all races and in all polarizations).
You are all those races and you have done everything and played every part (they communicated). Those beings that stayed outside our circle and near the Contact shelter (Sirians), these beings of a parallel reality were looking for assistance from us and our circle that night, these beings had seen and experienced devastation & negativity and were seeking acceptance and healing.
That is the one element that each civilization has a weakness towards, which is facing the unknown, and in facing the unknown and experiencing the vulnerability that comes with that – is when we experience the most drama and trauma. So when we do the shadow work and we get to see more of a clearer non-dualistic total view of the hologram, the fractal gets to heal but then taking those fractures to the whole you see for yourself that you cannot heal any fracture or any part of the whole until you take responsibility for the whole.
So as you take responsibility for all that has gone on, you become the self-steward of all the histories and all the races for all that has transpired within the hologram.
So this is what the ET’s were communicating and that stepping out of the fractal and hologram …there was only oneness and that oneness had no form but contained all form.
I wish to thank everyone who attended (on all levels) that made it possible for such an immensely profound experience to be received by each and everyone in their own way, and to Lyssa for calling all her family and friends together for consciousness and evolution, it is an honor to be a part of this family.
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