The Vulnerable and Cosmic Hollowing-Out Process May 2018 by Ronald L Holt
Sometimes spirit gives us puzzle pieces or building block segments to process before providing a comprehensive consciousness-shifting experience where it seems that all the puzzle pieces and building blocks come together to provide a new vision. This is such an instant for me and I wanted to share.
Just after my wife Lyssa’s three day Channeling Workshop’s second module, and during the early morning hours of Monday May 21st 2018 around 3am, I began having an intense and vivid dream that repeated even if I would awaken and return to sleep.
This intense experience surprised me because it actually continued even after awakening (after sunrise) and did not conclude it’s vividness until after 2:30 that afternoon.
I deliberated quite a bit if I should write and share this as I’m not a good writer and these perceptions challenge my ability to communicate them. In addition, the topic of these perceptions and paradigms I’m commenting on I am sure will somehow trigger invitations to occupy some psychiatry couch somewhere, LOL!
What transpired actually winds up as lessons for me in observing from multiple dimensional perspectives in simultaneous perception. In my opinion, simultaneous dimensional perspectives cannot be enacted via the mind or in mental concepts but instead requires such a depth of heart and feeling that it employs peeling back thresholds of deep vulnerability. T
hat vulnerability renders sensations of emptiness and emotional nakedness sufficient to detach from all constructs of form & identity and allows “formless emptiness” to preside.
Seems that formless emptiness enables the ability to merge and embrace multiple probabilities which is a research topic of deep interest to me. Let me attempt to explain my experience by relating the step-by-step process spirit used to assist me in unraveling this amazing transmission that I received.
It began with a vivid crystal clear viewing the earth at a sufficient distance to observe a portion of its orbit and from a perspective oriented away from the sun towards the abyss looming behind the earth. As the observation continues, a transmission is communicated as if a narrative was explaining (in this lesson) that the Earth (metaphorically) was born from the recesses of the abyss, and in time journeyed towards the sun and attained an orbit within the sun’s radiance and gravitational attraction.
This was (as the narrative continued), symbolic of our own journey of the unconscious self born into unconsciousness in a material reality attempting to define, identify and understand itself from solid forms of matter. In this search was the attempt at answering such questions as who am I, what am I, where did I come from and to where am I going? This all is, in effect, one “dimensional perspective,” the identification and definition of self.
Once seeing the sun and being inexplicably attracted to it, it represents an additional “dimensional perspective” of self (and something other). And that “other” exhibits qualities of an exotic form of physics (compared to the symbolic Earth-self). Those exotic physics are of a more vast nature.
From here the comparative curiosity forms a “force of attraction” which metaphorically opens the door to esoteric investigations and comparatives of “self and other.” This comparative investigation forms the basis of spiritual similarities and connection, which ultimately reveals the fabrics of consciousness. This opens yet a third “dimensional perspective” of the metaphysics of the self.
As this transmission and vision was happening, I was also aware of the vivid experiential quality of simultaneous occupation of a third-person overview (like a neutral-observer) simultaneous with the Earth-self perspective. From this vantage, the sun, earth and abyss was so clearly in view. This neutral-observer perspective reveals a fourth “dimensional perspective” in simultaneous operation.
From this point, began a process of stretching the reality paradigm and limits of perception from former more accessible boundaries into new perspectives.
The transmission narrative continued by stating metaphorically, the journey of the Earth (symbolic of the unconscious self) naturally increases its proximity to the sun over time, and one day will occupy the orbit of the planet Mercury.
Understanding serves as symbolizing the increased familiarity and validation of the spiritual/consciousness fabric until such a time when evolving education and familiarity of the spiritual/consciousness fabric allows for probing further into and beyond the surface of the sun.
Mercury is a bridge point of evolving spirit/consciousness whereby the Earth-Self can extend itself (when ready) beyond the known. This is like sticking one’s toe into water as a precaution to exploring the unknown before committing to fully immersing oneself.
This process allows the consciousness to probe past the surface of the sun into the unknown recesses under its surface, then stepping back towards the earth-self to be comforted by what is familiar, before graduating to full immersion and continued investigation of abiding within the sun itself.
Probing of the Earth-self consciousness past the surface of the sun opens revelations, expansions of consciousness and peeling back of the illusions of self which often overwhelms the investigator with nakedness and vulnerability.
It is this nakedness and vulnerability that often necessitates withdrawal of the investigator back to the familiarity, safety and security of the Earth-Self for processing and acclimating time before returning for further investigations.
It is these vast expansions of consciousness and the deeper rendering of vulnerability which all work together to make space for the sensation and consciousness of nothingness to expand and co-exist within the Earth-self which is a cosmic hollowing-out the various filtering and blockages directly impeding clear-seeing on multiple dimensional perspectives.
The next scene had the Earth-Self consciousness now fully on the Mercury bridge point. It began a process of peering deeper into the sun. It revealed the sun as a metaphoric and fractalization of the source of all consciousness and thereby the home of all “fractals of individuality.”
Experiencing the consciousness of the sun now transformed my experience into the sun as a conscious self-aware and simultaneous experiential functioning of all the four previous dimensional perspectives.
It now included an addition of the fifth perspective as the source of consciousness and all its perspectives of multidimensional consciousness simultaneously engaged.
At this point, my capacity was stretched, so “they” orchestrated the nurturing needed to offset the resistance I had to opening towards deepening the depths of detachment to identity and form.
This allowed for sufficient peace and trust so I could allow greater dissolution of my former boundaries of self. As the dissolution of self deepened, I could now embrace a level of pure consciousness sufficient to occupy these five simultaneous perspectives of the multi-dimensional nature of consciousness.
I felt such depths of vulnerability and nakedness beyond levels I’ve previously experienced. I was questioning silently to myself whether or not this was necessary. Or, perhaps this depth of vulnerability and nakedness was happening because I doing something wrong.
I should have guessed that even silently posing this query to what I thought was just myself, actually reverberated across the simultaneity of multidimensional consciousness. In that same stunning vividness of the previous visuals, my consciousness was now observing from under the surface of the source of all consciousness in addition to the five other perspectives.
This revealed the clear and colorless spiraling folds of what seemed like symbolic layers of the fabrics of space and time, compacting and in-versing with the effects of gravity and magnetics which were tied to the fabrics of feeling, vulnerability and the fabric of love itself. As these fabrics spiral-folded and compressed in upon each other in layers and stages in an unending process towards the core, the core in turn radiated beams of linear spiraling rays of this infinitely organized compacted fabric.
The narrative informed and simultaneously had my consciousness experience the core as a fabric of infinitely clear-transparent radiance brought on by the ever deepening depths of inward folding vulnerability (as if the vulnerability anxiously embracing more of itself in a dance of swallowing and compacting). This was the purest form of the quantum in fluid and radiant expressions. The narrative pointed out that this “core” was yet another additional perspective of dimensions adding to the simultaneous metaphysics of consciousness and it represented the sixth.
The narrative next brought my attention to the radiance germinating at the core of the source of consciousness. The narrative communicated that the radiant lines exiting the core extruded and extended past the surface of the sun-like source of consciousness and emanated these radiant lines in all directions looking like a luminous sea-urchin with all its spines acting as projectors transmitting images on the reality screens of each layer or field.
They were spiraling outwards from the core and surface, carrying infinite information as if each radiant line had libraries within them. This is like the physics model of the Planck-Hole or Planck-Sphere similar to a black hole with its hair-like filaments appearing as a fur on the black hole surface and carrying all information that has passed into a black hole so no information is lost.
They informed me that each of these lines (and the summation of them working together) form entire spheres encapsulating layers surrounding the seeming surface of the source of consciousness acting like an opened umbrella or torus of surrounding fields from the source. These layers form the theatre screens of reality paradigms and as such represent the seventh perspective of dimensions in the simultaneous metaphysics of consciousness.
Infinite vulnerability the narrative informed me, leads to infinite detachment of all forms opening the fabric from within towards transparency of unending degrees.
As I write this, five days have passed and the level of emotional nakedness and vulnerability has lessened only slightly. I see how spirit encourages the hollowing out process as well as encourages us toward vulnerability and nakedness.
My experience provided an indelible lesson on the importance of vulnerability and nakedness to render transparency which is the spine of consciousness within the self. Vulnerability, emotional nakedness and transparency I can see is counterintuitive to the ego’s preference to make oneself something and to fill oneself up with the opposites of vulnerability, nakedness and transparency.
Now my challenge is to continue to apply this in increasingly humble degrees and into more conscious areas of life.
If this assists you I am grateful!
The images below are borrowed from Facebook feeds, thanks!
Just after my wife Lyssa’s three day Channeling Workshop’s second module, and during the early morning hours of Monday May 21st 2018 around 3am, I began having an intense and vivid dream that repeated even if I would awaken and return to sleep.
This intense experience surprised me because it actually continued even after awakening (after sunrise) and did not conclude it’s vividness until after 2:30 that afternoon.
I deliberated quite a bit if I should write and share this as I’m not a good writer and these perceptions challenge my ability to communicate them. In addition, the topic of these perceptions and paradigms I’m commenting on I am sure will somehow trigger invitations to occupy some psychiatry couch somewhere, LOL!
What transpired actually winds up as lessons for me in observing from multiple dimensional perspectives in simultaneous perception. In my opinion, simultaneous dimensional perspectives cannot be enacted via the mind or in mental concepts but instead requires such a depth of heart and feeling that it employs peeling back thresholds of deep vulnerability. T
hat vulnerability renders sensations of emptiness and emotional nakedness sufficient to detach from all constructs of form & identity and allows “formless emptiness” to preside.
Seems that formless emptiness enables the ability to merge and embrace multiple probabilities which is a research topic of deep interest to me. Let me attempt to explain my experience by relating the step-by-step process spirit used to assist me in unraveling this amazing transmission that I received.
It began with a vivid crystal clear viewing the earth at a sufficient distance to observe a portion of its orbit and from a perspective oriented away from the sun towards the abyss looming behind the earth. As the observation continues, a transmission is communicated as if a narrative was explaining (in this lesson) that the Earth (metaphorically) was born from the recesses of the abyss, and in time journeyed towards the sun and attained an orbit within the sun’s radiance and gravitational attraction.
This was (as the narrative continued), symbolic of our own journey of the unconscious self born into unconsciousness in a material reality attempting to define, identify and understand itself from solid forms of matter. In this search was the attempt at answering such questions as who am I, what am I, where did I come from and to where am I going? This all is, in effect, one “dimensional perspective,” the identification and definition of self.
Once seeing the sun and being inexplicably attracted to it, it represents an additional “dimensional perspective” of self (and something other). And that “other” exhibits qualities of an exotic form of physics (compared to the symbolic Earth-self). Those exotic physics are of a more vast nature.
From here the comparative curiosity forms a “force of attraction” which metaphorically opens the door to esoteric investigations and comparatives of “self and other.” This comparative investigation forms the basis of spiritual similarities and connection, which ultimately reveals the fabrics of consciousness. This opens yet a third “dimensional perspective” of the metaphysics of the self.
As this transmission and vision was happening, I was also aware of the vivid experiential quality of simultaneous occupation of a third-person overview (like a neutral-observer) simultaneous with the Earth-self perspective. From this vantage, the sun, earth and abyss was so clearly in view. This neutral-observer perspective reveals a fourth “dimensional perspective” in simultaneous operation.
From this point, began a process of stretching the reality paradigm and limits of perception from former more accessible boundaries into new perspectives.
The transmission narrative continued by stating metaphorically, the journey of the Earth (symbolic of the unconscious self) naturally increases its proximity to the sun over time, and one day will occupy the orbit of the planet Mercury.
Understanding serves as symbolizing the increased familiarity and validation of the spiritual/consciousness fabric until such a time when evolving education and familiarity of the spiritual/consciousness fabric allows for probing further into and beyond the surface of the sun.
Mercury is a bridge point of evolving spirit/consciousness whereby the Earth-Self can extend itself (when ready) beyond the known. This is like sticking one’s toe into water as a precaution to exploring the unknown before committing to fully immersing oneself.
This process allows the consciousness to probe past the surface of the sun into the unknown recesses under its surface, then stepping back towards the earth-self to be comforted by what is familiar, before graduating to full immersion and continued investigation of abiding within the sun itself.
Probing of the Earth-self consciousness past the surface of the sun opens revelations, expansions of consciousness and peeling back of the illusions of self which often overwhelms the investigator with nakedness and vulnerability.
It is this nakedness and vulnerability that often necessitates withdrawal of the investigator back to the familiarity, safety and security of the Earth-Self for processing and acclimating time before returning for further investigations.
It is these vast expansions of consciousness and the deeper rendering of vulnerability which all work together to make space for the sensation and consciousness of nothingness to expand and co-exist within the Earth-self which is a cosmic hollowing-out the various filtering and blockages directly impeding clear-seeing on multiple dimensional perspectives.
The next scene had the Earth-Self consciousness now fully on the Mercury bridge point. It began a process of peering deeper into the sun. It revealed the sun as a metaphoric and fractalization of the source of all consciousness and thereby the home of all “fractals of individuality.”
Experiencing the consciousness of the sun now transformed my experience into the sun as a conscious self-aware and simultaneous experiential functioning of all the four previous dimensional perspectives.
It now included an addition of the fifth perspective as the source of consciousness and all its perspectives of multidimensional consciousness simultaneously engaged.
At this point, my capacity was stretched, so “they” orchestrated the nurturing needed to offset the resistance I had to opening towards deepening the depths of detachment to identity and form.
This allowed for sufficient peace and trust so I could allow greater dissolution of my former boundaries of self. As the dissolution of self deepened, I could now embrace a level of pure consciousness sufficient to occupy these five simultaneous perspectives of the multi-dimensional nature of consciousness.
I felt such depths of vulnerability and nakedness beyond levels I’ve previously experienced. I was questioning silently to myself whether or not this was necessary. Or, perhaps this depth of vulnerability and nakedness was happening because I doing something wrong.
I should have guessed that even silently posing this query to what I thought was just myself, actually reverberated across the simultaneity of multidimensional consciousness. In that same stunning vividness of the previous visuals, my consciousness was now observing from under the surface of the source of all consciousness in addition to the five other perspectives.
This revealed the clear and colorless spiraling folds of what seemed like symbolic layers of the fabrics of space and time, compacting and in-versing with the effects of gravity and magnetics which were tied to the fabrics of feeling, vulnerability and the fabric of love itself. As these fabrics spiral-folded and compressed in upon each other in layers and stages in an unending process towards the core, the core in turn radiated beams of linear spiraling rays of this infinitely organized compacted fabric.
The narrative informed and simultaneously had my consciousness experience the core as a fabric of infinitely clear-transparent radiance brought on by the ever deepening depths of inward folding vulnerability (as if the vulnerability anxiously embracing more of itself in a dance of swallowing and compacting). This was the purest form of the quantum in fluid and radiant expressions. The narrative pointed out that this “core” was yet another additional perspective of dimensions adding to the simultaneous metaphysics of consciousness and it represented the sixth.
The narrative next brought my attention to the radiance germinating at the core of the source of consciousness. The narrative communicated that the radiant lines exiting the core extruded and extended past the surface of the sun-like source of consciousness and emanated these radiant lines in all directions looking like a luminous sea-urchin with all its spines acting as projectors transmitting images on the reality screens of each layer or field.
They were spiraling outwards from the core and surface, carrying infinite information as if each radiant line had libraries within them. This is like the physics model of the Planck-Hole or Planck-Sphere similar to a black hole with its hair-like filaments appearing as a fur on the black hole surface and carrying all information that has passed into a black hole so no information is lost.
They informed me that each of these lines (and the summation of them working together) form entire spheres encapsulating layers surrounding the seeming surface of the source of consciousness acting like an opened umbrella or torus of surrounding fields from the source. These layers form the theatre screens of reality paradigms and as such represent the seventh perspective of dimensions in the simultaneous metaphysics of consciousness.
Infinite vulnerability the narrative informed me, leads to infinite detachment of all forms opening the fabric from within towards transparency of unending degrees.
As I write this, five days have passed and the level of emotional nakedness and vulnerability has lessened only slightly. I see how spirit encourages the hollowing out process as well as encourages us toward vulnerability and nakedness.
My experience provided an indelible lesson on the importance of vulnerability and nakedness to render transparency which is the spine of consciousness within the self. Vulnerability, emotional nakedness and transparency I can see is counterintuitive to the ego’s preference to make oneself something and to fill oneself up with the opposites of vulnerability, nakedness and transparency.
Now my challenge is to continue to apply this in increasingly humble degrees and into more conscious areas of life.
If this assists you I am grateful!
The images below are borrowed from Facebook feeds, thanks!
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All of Ronald Holt's work (including Quantum Navigation) is part of the SOLi School, a division of
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All of Ronald Holt's work (including Quantum Navigation) is part of the SOLi School, a division of
Seed of Life Institute LLC. Ronald Holt serves as co-director. For more info: