Quantum Navigation Orientation
a 2-Day Preparation Workshop for Joining Monthly QN - Group Sessions
When we are born as humans, we spend our entire lives learning to navigate this strange and challenging reality we call the physical dimension. We rarely ever realize that the physical experience can be likened to a dream that is being generated by our greater aware consciousness. Then, feeling lost, we may still look within the physical dream to find our way "home" within ourselves. However we are challenged by the process of identifying ourselves (since birth) from the myriad of circumstances (both good and bad) occurring over our history to determine and evolve our identity and personality. This leaves us in a position of metaphorically identifying with the reflections we see (given off by important individuals responding to us). This is similar to being in an amusement park funhouse full of distorted-mirrors, as we move along in life attempting to get a accurate reflection on who we really are. We are left building upon assumptions based on distorted superficial reflections of the emotional, psychological and physical kind instead of a clear and true reflection upon which we can ground ourselves. Instead of looking outward, it is now the time to look within for a new understanding. But how?
Within us lies a vast and layered landscape that is built from our experiences, challenges, history, and internalized self-sabotaging stories and belief systems. We have carefully constructed these systems unconsciously, creating artificial limits, boundaries, and beliefs. This unconsciously constructed landscape (similar to a patchwork quilt of identity and personality) contains many objects that protect the dream so that we do not awaken. This landscape is like a map that we can use to lead us back "home" within ourselves -- almost like a video game complete with archetypal characters, challenges, and self-limitations to surmount. It contains the themes of death and rebirth, and ultimate victory over illusion. But very few of us actually go inward to engage this landscape, learn about it, and use it to heal ourselves and affect the physical reality. This is because we don't know this inner map exists, so we have a natural aversion to it and don't know how to work with it. Once we know how to navigate the map, we can follow it into the quantum, into the heart, and back Home again. We often think this journey has to be made alone. However, there is an innate guide within each of us that is waiting to be discovered so it can assist us. This innate assistant is an expert in handling the challenges of such a journey and disentangling us from our illusions and confusion. That assistant is immersed in the quantum field -- it is the conscious quantum field itself. We call it the Quantum Navigator. In Ronald Holt's personal inner work of over 30 years, he has learned to navigate this map, meet and interact with the archetypal guardians and teachers of this inner realm, and, using the quantum energy of the heart, experience the non-dual abiding consciousness of all creation. In these last three decades, he has shared this work with very few -- mostly working one-on-one. Now he has begun to offer it to groups. The workshop will consist of some lecture, but a great deal of the time will be spent in meditation and experiential work. With Ron's guidance, participants will begin to learn the contours of their inner landscape and what their unique inner map looks like so they can go within, release what no longer serves, heal their hearts, awaken from the dream, receive deep universal love, and pave a solid path back Home again. |
Quantum Navigation Orientation
More Info on Quantum Navigation
What is Quantum Navigation?
The process of Quantum Navigation invites the quantum field and the Quantum Navigator to assist in the deep holistic healing of repeating challenges and dramas that appear in our lives. This happens through a profound understanding of the dualistic nature of creation and the various stages of polarized consciousness that we experience as humans. The Quantum Navigator can help us to refine our ability of clear seeing so that we can make new choices that are from sources beyond a polarized state of consciousness.
If we don't integrate our inner dualities, healing is only temporary. The splits in our consciousness continue to recreate the same challenges over and over again because the inner state of fracture is projected into the physical life. We often get fooled by this projection and think that the challenges are coming from outside of us when in reality, our inner fragmentation is creating the external reality.
When we experience pain and suffering to a degree that nearly equals the resistance we have to change, opportunities arise for us to awaken through clearly seeing (and experiencing) who we are on a quantum level. When we clearly see, quick fixes or running away from our challenges no longer becomes an option. The way around our challenges is through them. The Quantum Navigation process provides a way to work on this level, which far surpasses other types of linear healing methods. The quantum navigation work is holographic and addresses consciousness on all levels simultaneously -- from the human to the quantum level.
The quantum navigation work might seem counter-intuitive because it is an approach that requires us to confront our challenges and embrace our process. But this very method enables integration instead of the fragmentation of our internal components. Only through integration can we come home to ourselves again.
Our Quantum Navigator is a nondualistic aspect of our own integrated consciousness that can holistically view our entire inner healing process. When working with the quantum navigator, the distinction between the mind and true consciousness begins to reveal itself. As practitioners begin to understand the difference, they gain more confidence in navigating the realms of consciousness not dominated by the mind. It is here where the true, nondualistic healing begins. The mind dominates belief systems, false stories, and the experience of separation and tries to protect that view. This is not the realm of pure consciousness, which simply abides without duality and views the entire scene of the human experience from this infinite and unconditionally loving state. It sees clearly what is truth, beyond the human stories.
As practitioners gain experience working with the Quantum Navigator, their understanding expands beyond polarity consciousness in an organic way. The process of awakening then begins to reveal itself in layers step-by-step. The old adage, "If thine eye be single, thy body fills with light" directly refers to this process of moving from polarity consciousness (two eyes, so to speak) to awakened quantum consciousness (single eye). In the Quantum Navigation work, we work directly with this process of polarity integration. In doing so, we prepare the heart for the deep self-compassion necessary for ceasing our own inner conflicts that get projected into the external reality. It is here that we can finally see who we really are - with the quantum vision of the One.
How Did Ron Discover Quantum Navigation for Himself?
Like many people, Ron grew up with dysfunctional models in his life that stimulated painful emotions. This gave him the opportunity to recognize that those models in his early life imprinted certain behaviors and coping mechanisms that he carried into adulthood. Over time, he sought out various methods of healing to address his repeating issues that played themselves out in his life and relationships. This led him to many trainings including those from Taoist and Hatha yoga, sacred geometry, meditation, martial arts, and more. All of these trainings became like tools in his spiritual toolbox but even still, they were not enough. It wasn't until he was severely tested by spirit through some challenges in life that he had to employ his tools in new ways in order to navigate a very long "dark night of the soul". He was helped by many loving beings in other realms, and an "intelligence" that he recognized was a part of his own consciousness that he later called the "Quantum Navigator." This test in the physical life forced him to use the tools he already had, combined with the new perspectives given to him by higher intelligences. He has seen how this process of quantum navigation works and how it has transformed his life and the lives of those with whom he has mentored. Because of this, he understands that his path must now include helping others to apply these same tools in their lives when they are ready.
If we don't integrate our inner dualities, healing is only temporary. The splits in our consciousness continue to recreate the same challenges over and over again because the inner state of fracture is projected into the physical life. We often get fooled by this projection and think that the challenges are coming from outside of us when in reality, our inner fragmentation is creating the external reality.
When we experience pain and suffering to a degree that nearly equals the resistance we have to change, opportunities arise for us to awaken through clearly seeing (and experiencing) who we are on a quantum level. When we clearly see, quick fixes or running away from our challenges no longer becomes an option. The way around our challenges is through them. The Quantum Navigation process provides a way to work on this level, which far surpasses other types of linear healing methods. The quantum navigation work is holographic and addresses consciousness on all levels simultaneously -- from the human to the quantum level.
The quantum navigation work might seem counter-intuitive because it is an approach that requires us to confront our challenges and embrace our process. But this very method enables integration instead of the fragmentation of our internal components. Only through integration can we come home to ourselves again.
Our Quantum Navigator is a nondualistic aspect of our own integrated consciousness that can holistically view our entire inner healing process. When working with the quantum navigator, the distinction between the mind and true consciousness begins to reveal itself. As practitioners begin to understand the difference, they gain more confidence in navigating the realms of consciousness not dominated by the mind. It is here where the true, nondualistic healing begins. The mind dominates belief systems, false stories, and the experience of separation and tries to protect that view. This is not the realm of pure consciousness, which simply abides without duality and views the entire scene of the human experience from this infinite and unconditionally loving state. It sees clearly what is truth, beyond the human stories.
As practitioners gain experience working with the Quantum Navigator, their understanding expands beyond polarity consciousness in an organic way. The process of awakening then begins to reveal itself in layers step-by-step. The old adage, "If thine eye be single, thy body fills with light" directly refers to this process of moving from polarity consciousness (two eyes, so to speak) to awakened quantum consciousness (single eye). In the Quantum Navigation work, we work directly with this process of polarity integration. In doing so, we prepare the heart for the deep self-compassion necessary for ceasing our own inner conflicts that get projected into the external reality. It is here that we can finally see who we really are - with the quantum vision of the One.
How Did Ron Discover Quantum Navigation for Himself?
Like many people, Ron grew up with dysfunctional models in his life that stimulated painful emotions. This gave him the opportunity to recognize that those models in his early life imprinted certain behaviors and coping mechanisms that he carried into adulthood. Over time, he sought out various methods of healing to address his repeating issues that played themselves out in his life and relationships. This led him to many trainings including those from Taoist and Hatha yoga, sacred geometry, meditation, martial arts, and more. All of these trainings became like tools in his spiritual toolbox but even still, they were not enough. It wasn't until he was severely tested by spirit through some challenges in life that he had to employ his tools in new ways in order to navigate a very long "dark night of the soul". He was helped by many loving beings in other realms, and an "intelligence" that he recognized was a part of his own consciousness that he later called the "Quantum Navigator." This test in the physical life forced him to use the tools he already had, combined with the new perspectives given to him by higher intelligences. He has seen how this process of quantum navigation works and how it has transformed his life and the lives of those with whom he has mentored. Because of this, he understands that his path must now include helping others to apply these same tools in their lives when they are ready.
To see if a workshop is happening in your area, go to our SCHEDULE section
To arrange a workshop in your area, EMAIL RON for further information
Go to Ron's YOUTUBE CHANNEL to see free videos on Quantum Navigation
To arrange a workshop in your area, EMAIL RON for further information
Go to Ron's YOUTUBE CHANNEL to see free videos on Quantum Navigation
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All of Ronald Holt's work (including Quantum Navigation) is part of the SOLi School, a division of
Seed of Life Institute LLC. Ronald Holt serves as co-director. For more info: www.solischool.org
When quoting from or using any written material obtained from this site, please state clearly the source, with a link to the page.
Photographs are not allowed to be used without written permission from Seed of Life Institute LLC.
All of Ronald Holt's work (including Quantum Navigation) is part of the SOLi School, a division of
Seed of Life Institute LLC. Ronald Holt serves as co-director. For more info: www.solischool.org